City moves to widen Clay Street at Mission
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 19, 2000
Vicksburg may use eminent domain to acquire property needed to widen the intersection at the Mission 66 and Clay Street, officials said Monday.
The project, first announced seven years ago, has been on hold for more than a year while city leaders negotiated for easements. The property in question belongs to McDonald’s Corp. and D&L Development LLC, the owners of the Rite Aid drugstore.
“They have been too slow, and we want to move forward with this project,” Vicksburg Mayor Robert Walker said. “It’s not just a matter of aesthetics, it’s a matter of safety.”
The city may not have to move forward with the eminent domain proceedings if the property owners can come to an agreement, Walker said.
Walker called the spot “the major intersection on Clay Street,” and said widening the lanes would improve the cluttered appearance of the corridor street and speed up traffic flow.
The city also received bids for repaving a stretch of South Washington Street between Bowmar Avenue and Veto Street. Plans for work on the intersection of Clay and Hope streets are in the works for later in the year.
Another intersection on Clay Street, the First North Street intersection, was also discussed as a prospect for widening several years ago, Walker said. But that project is not as high a priority, and isn’t on the table right now, he said.
In other business, the city:
Received bids for sewer pipe and casting, fire hydrants and a portable breathing air compressor.
Awarded a contract for tree cutting to Delta Tree Service Inc. of Leland.
Awarded a contract for stone material for the Recreation Department to Crimson Stone Inc. of Cottondale, Ala.
Awarded a contract for gas lanterns and poles to Legendary Lighting of Flowood at $3,700 each.
Awarded contracts for demolition and site clearance to three companies: to Jimmy Bell for 2912 Valley St. at $1,100, to Clark & Sons for 839 Buck St. at $1,250 and 2926 Arcadia at $2250, and to Karen Magruder for 1220 A Fillmore St. at 2325.
Authorized an emergency tree removal at 2310 Porters Chapel Road.
Accepted work on Halls Ferry Road widening project, phase one, and approved a list of subcontractors for phase two, which is due to begin in the next several weeks.
Approved payment of $500 from the Main Street program to Navy Band New Orleans Big Easy to perform at 3 p.m. Oct. 7 at the King Cotton Festival.
Authorized the city clerk to advertise for sealed bids for motor vehicles for the traffic department, right of way and animal control, an indoor firing range, pavement marking equipment, concrete pipe and manholes, traffic management supplies, mosquito spray and fire-line water meters.
Authorized the Building Inspection Department to cut the grass and clean a vacant lot on Crawford Street owned by Tower Loan of Mississippi Inc.
Authorized the Building Inspection Department to demolish a house on Yazoo Street and clean the lot.