Published 12:00 am Friday, September 7, 2001
VICKSBURG HIGH SCHOOL REUNION 5 p.m. Sunday; 15th-year reunion meeting; class of 1987; Shoney’s restaurant.
ALPHA CHAPTER PAK SORORITY 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Piccadilly; Margaret Stephens and Bernette Tucker, hostesses; Leila Stone will present program.
LEVIS – “A GATHERING PLACE” “Magnolias and Moonshine;” Saturday night; 3527 Manor Drive.
WOODMEN OF THE WORLD 6 tonight; Fisher Ferry Volunteer Fire Department; 638-2495.
BEULAH CEMETERY RESTORATION COMMITTEE 10:30 a.m. Saturday; Robbins Funeral Home.
SALVATION ARMY WOMEN’S AUXILIARY Luncheon, noon Monday; Mission 66 Headquarters.
VICKSBURG QUILTERS 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Stitch-N-Frame; Lauren Moore will present a stack and slash program.
REUNITE SOCIAL AND CIVIC CLUB After-Labor Day dance, 9 p.m. Saturday; The Hut, 1618 Main St.; admission, $3; DJ, Candy.
AMERICAN LEGION 213 AUXILIARY 7:30 p.m. Monday; The Hut, 1618 Main St.
VICKSBURG GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 6:30 p.m. Monday, Piccadilly; Gary Patout will speak on the historic New Orleans collection.
NAACP 7 p.m. Monday, 902 China St.
KNOWLEDGE COLLEGE READING PROGRAM 8 a.m.-noon Saturdays, Sept. 15-Dec. 8; open to students age 6-16; must be accompanied by an adult; tuition, $150, financial aid is available; Lucy DeRossette, 831-5009 or 636-3067.
VICKSBURG THEATRE GUILD Presents “Into the Woods,” a musical comedy; 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday; tickets are $12 adults; $10 senior citizens ; $5 children (under 12); and $7 students. Reservations, 636-0471.
BINGO FOR THE BAND 7 p.m. Saturday; Knights of Columbus; $15 donation includes game packet and hamburger supper. Tickets at door or from St. Aloysius band members.
SENIOR CENTER Today: 1 p.m., open play dominoes: Monday; 9 a.m., beginner piano, 10 a.m., beginner keyboard and NIA exercise, 1 p.m., karaoke with Sars Baker, 6-8 p.m., social and line dance class: Tuesday; 10:30 a.m., beginner computer; 1-2 p.m., dulcimer; 1-4 p.m., open play canasta and dominoes.
MISSISSIPPI INVENTORS CONFERENCE Saturday, Crown Plaza Hotel in Jackson; topics are inventing, patenting and just starting out; Bob Landtrip, 662-915-50
MISSISSIPPI PECAN FESTIVAL Taking applications for arts and craft booths; festival is Sept. 29 and 30 in Richton; 601-525-3792 or 601-964-8201; P.O. Box 630, Richton, MS 39476.
POST-ABORTION SUPPORT GROUP Begins Sept. 27, 6-8 p.m.; 10-week program; to register, call 638-2778 or 636-6186.
VICKSBURG SENIOR CITIZENS’ VOLUNTEER FAIR 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday; Pemberton Square mall; 636-1012.
ST. PAUL CATHOLIC R.C.I.A. PROGRAM For adults interested in learning more about the Catholic faith; 7 p.m. Sept. 19; 636-0140.
CHRISTIAN HOME M.B. CHURCH NO. 2 REVIVAL 7:30 tonight; the Rev. Frank Curtis of Port Gibson will be guest speaker.
TRAVELERS REST BAPTIST CHURCH Services 7:15 nightly through Sept. 14; 1922 Pearl St. tonight; 718 Bowmar Ave. Saturday through Sept. 14. Thomas Benard, pastor; 636-3712 or 638-3785.
ST. JAMES BLUE LODGE NO. 1 CALL MEETING 5 p.m. Saturday, degrees and reinstatements; Notton Jones, 415-0736.
SEVEN STAR M.B. CHURCH REVIVAL 7:30 tonight; the Rev. James Frenches of Pleasant Valley M.B. Church will be guest; the Rev. Michael Womack is pastor. All churches are invited.
MOUNT GIVENS BAPTIST CHURCH Quarterly business meeting, 3 p.m. Saturday, U.S. 61 South.
PORTER CHAPEL M.B. CHURCH Appreciation program for Annie Bell Neal; 6 p.m. Saturday; 4375 Halls Ferry Road; the Rev. Hosie Williams, pastor.
UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH REVIVAL 7 tonight and Saturday, 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday; 6541 Paxton Road; 636-1118 or 661-7676.
NEW CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH REVIVAL 7 p.m. Sunday- Tuesday; 208 Oak St., Port Gibson; Pastor Terry Davis of Batesville, Ark. is guest speaker.
TRIUMPH M.B. TENT REVIVAL 6:30 p.m. Sept. 11-14; 124 Pittman Road, Kings Community; the Rev. Larry Nicks, pastor.