Published 12:00 am Friday, October 18, 2002
VICKSBURG WARREN ALCORN ALUMNI CHAPTER 7 tonight, meeting at the Elks Lodge, 916 Walnut St.
IVYETTES GIRLS CLUB RIF workshop, 10 a.m. Saturday at Rolling Acres Community Center.
CARR CENTRAL CLASS OF 1944 Reunion meeting, Saturday, 10 a.m. until in the Mississippi Room at Battlefield Inn; 636-1395 or 636-0518.
BROADWATER LODGE 55 6 p.m. Saturday at the Masonic Hall; casual attire; will be given the second degree; all Prince Hall Masons welcome.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Saltillo breakfast, 8-11 a.m. Sunday at the KC Hall; breakfast, $3 per person with a maximum of $12 for immediate family.
PRICE FAMILY REUNION For descendants of William Price, Robert Price, Joseph Price; 11 a.m. Sunday at the home of Tom and Alydia Price Rankin; 1789 Somerset Road in Bogue Chitto; bring covered dish, photos, chair; 734-6234 or 823-6658.
PROJECT ALPHA LEADERSHIP CLUB 4 until 6 p.m. Sunday at the Vicksburg Housing Authority, Rolling Acres subdivision; attire is white dress shirt and dark pants; Gregory L. Jackson, senior adviser, 636-1793 or greg.jackson@mvk02.usace.army.mil.
VICKSBURG BPW Week’s activities open to the public are: 7 a.m. Monday, prayer breakfast at Shoney’s; Oct. 25, flu vaccines to VBPW clients and those ages 60 and older, $3; 3420 Wisconsin Ave.; 636-0161.
KIWANIS Noon Tuesday, Maxwell’s; guest speaker will be Tony Jeff, executive director of Mississippi Technology Alliance.
Public programs
HAVEN HOUSE FAMILY SHELTER Free counseling to domestic violence victims; 638-0555.
GREAT DELTA BEAR AFFAIR 8 a.m. until dark Saturday at the Sharkey County Courthouse Square in Rolling Fork; centennial celebration of the birth of the teddy bear.
VICKSBURG WARREN HUMANE SOCIETY ADOPT-A-THON 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Saturday at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, 5930 Warriors Trail; 636-6631.
LEVI’S “A Gathering Place;” 7 until 10 p.m. Saturday; Shelter Drive off Mount Alban Road; music by the Oak Ridge Band.
PLEASANT VALLEY LADIES AUXILIARY Christmas craft and garage sale, 7 a.m.-noon Saturday, 2585 N. Washington St.; most items under $5.
FAMILY READINESS GROUP Rummage sale, Saturday from 7 a.m. until 1 p.m. at George A. Morris Reserve Center, 1265 Porters Chapel Road.
NAACP SIXTH ANNUAL FREEDOM FUND BANQUET 7 p.m. Saturday, St. Mary’s Center; guest speaker will be Rep. Bennie Thompson; tickets are $25 or $7 for ages 7 and under; 638-8495, 638-9047 or 661-0684 for information or to purchase tickets.
NEGRO BPW Prostate and breast cancer awareness program, 4 p.m. Sunday; United Way office, 920 South St.; Barbara Phelps will be speak on the symptoms of breast cancer; Joan Buglewicz will speak on prostate cancer.
BOVINA CLASSES OF THE 1950’s AND 1960’s 6 p.m. Sunday at the Bovina Community Center; planning Christmas party; call Kathryn Huell, 661-7963.
EXCHANGE CLUB OF VICKSBURG 6 p.m. Monday, Hinds Community College Auditorium; public forum to meet the candidates for the Youth Court Judge position; moderator will be Don Brown, director of Warren-Yazoo Mental Health; 634-0557.
CANCER RISK PREVENTION AND NUTRITION SEMINAR 7 p.m. Monday, Good Samaritan Physical Therapy, 1901 Mission 66; presented by Dr. Doug Odom; 638-4076.
LIGHTHOUSE BAPTIST Bible Conference, 9:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. today; 9 a.m. Saturday; guest speakers daily; nursery provided; 1804 Sky Farm Ave.
ST. ALBAN’S EPISCOPAL Dinner on the grounds, 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Saturday; food, music, Country Market, children’s activities; rain or shine, take-outs available; to benefit the Vicksburg Warren Humane Society; 636-6687.
ROSE HILL M.B. 6 p.m. Saturday, annual musical; the Rev. Walter Weathersby is pastor and Virginia Miller is senior chair president; 638-3748.
GOSPEL TEMPLE M.B. Alonzo Jones’ first sermon, 6 p.m. Saturday; Lane Street; music by Angelic Voices of Christ; the Rev. Walter Edley is host pastor.
PLEASANT UNITED METHODIST Jack Hollingsworth in concert, 6 p.m. Saturday; Renshaw Road in Yazoo City; potluck dinner will follow.
TEMPLE OF CHRIST Annual Women Seminar, 6 p.m. Saturday-Monday, 400 Adams St.; fashion show each night and refreshments on Sunday; 661-6144 or 630-0170.
BRADLEY’S CHAPEL UNITED METHODIST Saturday, Oak Ridge Community Center; Fall Festival beginning with a chicken spaghetti dinner at 5 p.m. and carnival booths from 6 until 9.
TRIUMPH M.B. Food distribution, 5:30 until 7:30 p.m. Monday.