Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour’s inaugural address:
Published 12:00 am Friday, January 28, 2005
Every one of us who ran for office last year knows job creation is our most urgent need. We heard from voters about job losses. Often we met with people who had lost their jobs or were afraid of losing their jobs. In their eyes we saw genuine fear for their families’ futures.
Those grim circumstances still speak to me, and my response is that job creation will be the first immediate goal of my administration.
This occasion is not the time to lay out an agenda or series of policy proposals, though I hope it is clear to everyone that I will pursue in office the principles and policies on which I ran. It must be so because those are the issues that confront our state; the problems that our constituents demand that we address, and address effectively.
Our state’s needs are clear to every one of us: Creating and retaining more and better-paying jobs for our citizens, with all the policy implications that entails for education, for the civil justice system, for conservative fiscal policy as well as for economic development programs; combating crime, especially drug crime, so we can have safer communities and safer schools; improving education at every level and better using our improved education systems to strengthen our economy and create more jobs; working for a healthy Mississippi; and making sure our decisions lead to stronger families.
Families are the foundation for success in every area of endeavor. Nothing would improve education more than the active involvement and support of parents and families in our children’s schools. Stronger families are the strongest deterrent against drugs and crime. Whatever the problem, more strong, supportive families would be a key to any solution. In fact, a strong family often is the solution.
So, for me, on every issue, whether it is opposing tax increases or protecting the unborn, I will consider the impact of legislation and regulations on Mississippi’s families.
Strong family values have long been the values on which good government policy has been based. Individual freedom coupled with personal responsibility; honest hard work; fair play; self-reliance; the rule of law; a strong sense of community; faith in God; a giving spirit. Those are the foundational traits of Americans, and we Mississippians demonstrate these values as well as anyone on the face of the earth.
We live in a changing world. And sometimes change is difficult. Changes that may be for the general good can hurt some people. Changes that ultimately produce positive results may have some short term negative effects.
There are tremendous challenges for Mississippi in this changing world, but strong character and values don’t change. These traits of character are among the bedrock strengths that make me confident of Mississippi’s future, but we have a lot more going for us than that.
We have beautiful, abundant natural resources and a fabulous location, here in the center of the fastest growing region of the country, flanked by two great waterways, with outstanding ports on the Gulf. We have a warm, wonderful sense of community; fierce patriotism, and not just in times like these. We have strong moral values. Now we must recharge ourselves with a powerful can-do spirit. Certainly, our best days lie ahead of us, and I firmly believe solving today’s problems provides a springboard for seizing tomorrow’s opportunities.
This is the moment to lift our horizons for Mississippi. I envision a Mississippi of growth, hope and prosperity; a state that not only produces more and better paying jobs for our working people, but a home a home that raises up the prospects of all our people and elevates our respect for all our people. I not only envision Mississippi in new, larger dimensions; I expect it. And I urge you to raise your expectations for our state and our people. Yes, we can do better, but let’s go far beyond that.
Let us seize Mississippi’s Moment. Let us join together beginning today in a great endeavor to ensure that all the children of our state have the future Mississippi has the potential to offer them. After all, that’s the future they deserve.
Many of you have told Marsha and me that you pray for us. Thank you. We appreciate your prayers, and we need your prayers.
For with God’s help and working together, we can do all this and more.
Thank you. God bless you. God bless our great state and God bless America.