Question 4

Published 12:00 am Friday, January 28, 2005

. Vicksburg now operates as specially chartered municipal corporation with a mayor elected at large and two aldermen elected from wards as chief executive officers with specified duties including naming fire and police chiefs, among others, to four-year terms. What changes do you favor making in the form, structure or operations of Vicksburg government?

Ford: I would favor the following changes: Increasing aldermen to four with one North Ward, one South Ward and two territorial, at large; require a quorum of three to be present to conduct city business, the mayor voting only in case of a tie; no polling of board for vote or to be considered a quorum; all meetings open to the public to conduct city business (excluding personnel or litigation); all department heads to manage their departments according to the personnel policy and city policies and procedures; chief of police, fire department and all other department heads to be named by the mayor and all four aldermen; all departmental problems resolved within the department or follow the chain of management structure to resolve issues outside the department.

Leyens: I am not in favor of changing the current form of government. As a community, we have a unique opportunity to simply hire qualified people. All departments and responsibilities should be held accountable to the mayor’s office. The aldermen should focus on their wards and constituent needs and the city’s response to these needs. Many people have suggested that additional wards might better reflect the diversity of our community and provide better representation. We should explore and evaluate any opportunities to provide better government services.

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Loviza: If the citizens voted in a new form of city government, I would support the voters’ wishes. Until such time as a new government is established, I will support the existing structure. As our city grows, it might be wise to add two aldermen and make the position part-time. The mayor’s vote can break any ties on a five-member board if needed. The four aldermen would be elected by wards and the mayor at large citywide. There would be more representation for our citizens at the same cost to the city.

Walker: The current form of government serves the purposes of municipal government in our city. It requires dedicated public servants who commit themselves to full-time work. I would like to explore the possibility and feasibility of another appointed person who would work in the area of administration, perhaps in a chief operating officer capacity. However, we would need to research the legalities of this position, and strict guidelines would have to be imposed. The mayor and aldermen are elected to represent the people, and therefore, should be allowed to make decisions and have input into the operation of the city’s business.

Sometimes, however, it is presumed that officials allow politics to get in the way of progress. Creating a position such a chief operating officer, could alleviate some of those presumptions.

The commission form of government is one of the most effective, efficient forms of municipal government. With the present form of government, the mayor has only one vote, the same as an aldermen. I do believe, that a strong-mayor form of government might be even more effective and efficient.

Question 5. Would you favor a countywide law enforcement agency through disbanding the Vicksburg Police Department or other means?

Ford: No, I do not favor countywide law enforcement consolidation. This system would encourage a “Godfather” power structure. I favor the existing two separate law enforcement agency system, however I believe that there should be more county tax funds invested in city law enforcement. This theory is based on the fact that city dwellers pay county tax which is not utilized to protect the citizens nor to improve the city.

Leyens: Because our police department currently operates on a 4-year basis, directed by policies associated with political interests, it has suffered serious internal problems. In an extensive research poll that our campaign completed last fall, the police department, crime, and public safety issues were the highest concerns among our citizens.

Our community should hire a professional administrator, or public safety commissioner, with the primary objective of establishing a professional working environment with a defined protocol and career-development programs for our current police department.

It would be inappropriate to implement a consolidation plan with the county simply as a reaction to our current problems. The problems that exist need to be corrected now! However, we should always evaluate and consider any opportunities to provide better public safety. A strong community cannot be built unless the public safety system is honest and effective.

Loviza: I favor combining some police functions with the sheriff as a cost savings. I also favor better management of the Vicksburg Police by placing two officers per car and by utilizing community police techniques; also a 24-hour Downtown Patrol.

Walker: No. I feel that the City of Vicksburg needs a separate law enforcement agency. However, this agency needs to work cooperatively in some matters with other law-enforcement agencies, including county law enforcement, as it does now.

Question 6. Would you favor a countywide public recreation agency through combining separate operations?

Ford: No, I would not favor the consolidation of countywide public anything. Again, city and county separation allows for checks and balances of power. I do favor more county revenues being utilized in city maintenance.

Leyens:If a comprehensive plan were developed that would improve existing programs by consolidating resources for our children and that was fair to all of our children, I would definitely support it. So many people talk about support services and activities both recreational and educational for our youth, but no substantial progress has been made in these areas. Our children will find activities in the street after school; it is our responsibility as a community to provide comprehensive programs for all of our children to ensure that their lives are filled with safe, constructive, structured experiences. Investing in our future by supporting our children should be a high priority for any administration!

Loviza: The residents of the City of Vicksburg pay 60 percent of Warren County taxes at present. I favor equitable funding by each governmental agency. Both present agencies are doing a good job, but if the voters approved, I would support a combined city-county recreation agency if it is a major cost savings. I also favor a softball complex.

Walker: I feel that a planned, properly funded and administered countywide public recreation agency is something we need to work toward. Currently, the City of Vicksburg is limited in its recreational offerings because it practically carries the ball alone. A good place to start is for county government to cost share with the city and build from that.