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Published 12:00 am Friday, June 10, 2005

June 10, 2005Willie Monroe Brown Sr., David Castle Sr., Joe Curro Jr., Abe Franklin Jr., Lynelle H. Harrell, Capt. Ernst H. Hirt, Robert Murray Hynum Sr., Velton Queen Sr., Emma Riggs Sanders, Lloyd Davis Shelton

June 09, 2005Laura Moore, Estella Gordon Patterson, Jason Cole Sherrill, Willie Washington, Hazel Thompson White, Mitchell Young Sr.

June 08, 2005David Castle Sr., Maggie Lee Walker Stewart, Bonnie Turner Stowers

June 07, 2005William Spencer Banks Jr., Abe Franklin Jr., Kathrine Marie Littlejohn, Patsy P. Tillotson, Mitchell Young Sr.

June 06, 2005William Spencer Banks Jr., Billy James Ford, Edward L. Nerren Sr., Bettye Jo Phifer

June 05, 2005Edward Banks, Robbie Stewart Cain, James Walter Stroud, Mary Jean Coor Agnew Terwilliger

June 04, 2005Ann Catledge Monie, Almeda Rawlings Carter

June 03, 2005Mattie Lee Barry Cain, Kathryn F. Cook, Mary Delaney, Johnnie Flaggs, Robert Barry Hall, Lucille S. Kelly, Velton Queen Sr., James Warren Vinson, Ruby Davis Wilkins