Beechwood, PCA teachers tops|[1/20/06]
Published 12:00 am Friday, January 20, 2006
Andra Bonelli’s favorite thing to do as a teacher is give students encouragement.
“They need that – a little pat on the pack or someone telling them, ‘good job,’” she said.
Bonelli, a gifted-education teacher at Beechwood Elementary, was named Outstanding Elementary School Educator of the Year at the Vicksburg-Warren County Chamber of Commerce annual meeting Thursday at the Vicksburg Convention Center.
She shares the spotlight with Lynn Baker, a Spanish teacher and guidance counselor at Porters Chapel Academy, who was named Outstanding Secondary School Educator of the Year.
“My favorite thing is seeing the students every day. I love to see them grow academically,” said Baker.
A Vicksburg native, Baker graduated from Cooper High School in 1965 as Lynn Hilderbrand. She attended Mississippi State and Alcorn State universities.
Before joining the PCA faculty nine years ago, she taught Spanish and was cheerleading sponsor at Warren Central High School for 26 years.
“This is my fifth decade to be in the schools here,” she said.
Both teachers said they were surprised to receive the honor from their fellow teachers in the annual chamber-sponsored selection.
“I’m in shock, but excited. I don’t think it’s sunk in yet,” Baker said.
“I’m very humbled. I think that’s the best word to describe how I feel right now. I’m very honored to have received this from my peers,” Bonelli said.
Bonelli has taught GATES to second- through fourth-graders for five years. She has 32 years of experience with the Vicksburg Warren School District as a teacher at South Park, Warrenton and Culkin elementary schools. She has a bachelor’s and a master’s degree from the University of Southern Mississippi.
For the annual honors, the Chamber of Commerce accepts a nominee for each local school, and those selected are interviewed by a volunteer committee.