5th man arrested in killing|[06/22/07]
Published 12:00 am Friday, June 22, 2007
A fifth suspect in Sunday morning’s homicide has been arrested by the Vicksburg Police Department.
Rufus Armstrong, 31, 1000 Commons Circle, was arrested at 3 p.m. Wednesday at his home and charged Thursday with murder for his alleged involvement in the shooting death of Justin Maurice Harris.
Armstrong joins Alonzo Leemont Trevillion, 34, Anthony Lydell Trevillion, 30, Armond Henry Trevillion, 27, and Matthew Ladale Nash, 28, who are brothers, in facing murder charges related to Harris’ death.
Harris was gunned down shortly after 3 a.m. Sunday at his residence, 1224 Grammar St., after returning home from a downtown bar where a dispute began.
“We knew from talking to witnesses there was a fifth person involved,” said Lt. Billy Brown. “From questioning the four we had already arrested we were able to identify Armstrong as the fifth suspect.”
Armstrong, along with the others, faces charges of shooting into an occupied dwelling, two counts of aggravated assault and burglary.
No bond was set for the murder charge, and a $250,000 bond was set on the remaining charges. Armstrong, who remains in the Issaquena County Jail, was to have his initial court appearance at 8 a.m. today.
Municipal Judge Allen Derivaux denied bond on murder charges to the four other suspects at their initial appearance Wednesday afternoon. Bond on the other charges for Nash and Alonzo Trevillion was set at $250,000 and at $300,000 for Anthony and Armond Trevillion.
At the time of the killing Anthony Trevillion was out of prison on an earned release probation. He was therefore to be sent back to the Mississippi State Penitentiary today, Capt. Mark Culbertson said.
Also, Nash was being held on a warrant from the Mississippi Department of Corrections.