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Published 12:00 am Friday, February 22, 2008

February 22, 2008Daniel Leonard Caldwell, W.G. Craig, Frank Kelly Garvey

February 21, 2008Rev. Richard G. Burns, Daniel Leonard Caldwell, Annie Bell Ash Cooper, Rubye M. Dotson, Freddie Lee Hayes, Gary Wendell Hooks, Lawrence Larry Powell III, Larry Reed Sr., Mary L. Singleton, Patrick L. Thomas

February 20, 2008Minnie L. Moore, Donnie Eaker, Wayne B. Pittman

February 19, 2008Ernest Carroll Blackwell. Rev. Richard G. Burns, Rubye M. Dotson, Betty Joyce Ingram Hanson, Thelma Paulding Russell

February 18, 2008Exl Thomas, James R. Evans

February 17, 2008Clifton Burroughs, Carroll Robert Regan, Thelma Paulding Russell, Lloyd K. Travis, Mary Lea Turnbull

February 16, 2008Evelyn Nations Harris, Margaret Mason Martin, Jefferson Eugene Prentiss III