April 12, 2008
Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 12, 2008
We welcome your items for the Community Calendar. Submit items by postal service (P.O. Box 821668, Vicksburg, MS 39182), e-mail (newsreleases@vicksburgpost.com, fax (601-634-0897), delivered in person to 1601-F N. Frontage Road, or by calling 601-636-4545 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays. If corresponding by fax, mail or e-mail, be sure to include your name and phone number. Items can be published a maximum of four times.
Rosa A. Temple Class of 1963 — Reunion meeting, 2 today; 4560 Oak Ridge Road; 601-638-0645.
Rose of Sharon No. 24 — 4 today, Masonic Hall.
Bowman High Class of 1958 — 5 tonight, planning reunion; American Legion Hut Post 213; 213 Main St.
Class of 1973 — 5:30 tonight; North and South Vicksburg and Warren Central; 1207 Walnut St.
VHS Class of 1983 — Reunion planning, 6:30 p.m. Sunday and April 27; LD’s Restaurant, 1111 Mulberry St.; 601-529-6977 or 601-529-2990.
Vicksburg Genealogical Society — 10 a.m. Monday, Warren County-Vicksburg Public Library; Sam Price to speak on Methodist history.
NAACP — Executive board meeting, 6 p.m. Monday; regular meeting to follow at 7; 923 Walnut St.
VFW No. 2572 — 6 p.m. Monday; election of officers, Ladies Auxiliary nomination and election of officers.
Vicksburg Kiwanis — Noon Tuesday, Jacques’; Sandy Havard, Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum/Farmers Market, to speak.
Vicksburg Civitan Club — Bill Eargle Memorial Golf Tournament, four-man scramble; Wednesday, sign-in 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; shot gun starts at 1 p.m.; Clear Creek Golf Course.
Lions — Noon Wednesday, Monsour’s; Tim Kavanaugh will speak on the Vicksburg National Military Park.
Morning Gardeners — 9:30 a.m. Thursday, cooking with herbs; Linda Christian, 1214 Newit Vick Dr.
Rosa A Temple Class of 1968 — 6 p.m. Thursday, home of Cecilia Cole, 1732 East Ave.
VHS Class of 1999 — 2 p.m. April 19, reunion planning; VHS, Room 018; 601-606-5024; 601-301-0849.
SWAC All-American Basketball Shootout — Noon April 19,; sponsored by Vicksburg Warren County Alumni Association; 601-456-6220.
WCHS Class of 1983 — Reunion, July 25-26; Allison Fleming Hubbard: 601-636-5458.
Public Programs
Fairy Tale Theatre Auditions — 2-5 p.m. today and Sunday, Parkside Playhouse; plays produced and performed by young actors and actresses; $35 fee due May 13; $55 for non-Vicksburg Theatre Guild members; 601-636-0471.
Levi’s — A Gathering Place; 7-10 p.m. Saturday, music by Old Habits; donations appreciated.
Narcotics Anonymous — River City Group, 8 p.m. Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday; Good Shepherd Community Center, 629 Cherry St.; daytime, Alvin J., 601-661-7646 or 601-415-1742; evening, Jackie G., 601-638-8456 or 601-415-3345; Recovery at Noon Group, Monday-Saturday, noon and 6:15-7:15;1306 Hope St.; Herman T. 601-456-6154, Joel F., 601-634-0639 or 601-868-0057.
Day of Remembrance — 5:30 p.m. Monday, Child Abuse Prevention Assembly; Art Park at Catfish Row.
Overeaters Anonymous — 5:30-6:30 p.m. Monday, Mafan Building, 1315 Adams St., second floor; www.overeatersanonymous.org.
Celebrate Recovery — 5 p.m. Sundays at Mafan Building, 1315 Adams St.; small groups at 6 p.m. Tuesdays; Ed S., 601-630-5070.
Eastside AA — 6:30 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays; 9 a.m. Sundays; noon Thursdays; Mafan Building, 1315 Adams St., second floor.
Relay For Life — 4-6 p.m. Thursday, Bank Night; RiverHills, U.S. 61 North.
College Scholarship — College students majoring in teacher education; deadline May 16; 601-636-7821.
Photography Workshops — May 6, digital camera “how to”; May 8, hand-coloring photographs; $30 members, $35 nonmembers; Southern Cultural Heritage Center, 601-631-2997.
Keep Vicksburg-Warren Beautiful — Volunteers needed; 8 a.m.-noon May 3; 601-636-4048.
Kings Head Start — Enrolling ages 3-4; 601-638-4311,601-638-4779.
Hospice Ministries — Volunteer training classes; April 26, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. lunch provided, April 27, 1-5.
King of Kings Christian Center — Weight of Glory Women’s Conference, 6 tonight; 601-218-2479.
Triumph M.B. — Food and clothing distribution, 10 a.m.-noon; income verification, Social Security cards and recent utility bill required; 601-638-8108.
Grove Street M.B. — Spring revival, 7:30 nightly Wednesday-Friday.
VHS Relay for Life — Car wash and bake sale, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. today, Outlets at Vicksburg.
Omar Rivers — Noon-6:30 p.m. April 19, Levi’s; roast pig dinner, $10 adults, $5 children; country and gospel music, raffles; 601-218-3164, 75 Shelter Drive.
Rally Round The River — Motorcycle ride April 19, U.S. 80; $25 per motorcycle; $3 hamburger plates; door prizes; 318-282-7360.