Vicksburg Board of Mayor and Aldermen agenda items
Published 12:00 pm Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Meeting Monday:
• OK’d minutes from Sept. 24 and 30 and Oct. 4.
• Heard a presentation from the I Can Make A Difference Foundation, and Mayor Paul Winfield accepted an award for his work as mayor.
• Recognized eight captains and assistant chiefs of the Vicksburg Fire Department for completion of the Professional Development Course.
• OK’d city clerk to advertise for sealed bids for a conventional single-axle pothole truck.
• OK’d city clerk to advertise sealed bids for the construction of a fuel farm, access road and truck parking area at the Vicksburg Municipal Airport on U.S. 61 South.
• OK’d the issuance of a $3,200 payment to Sunbelt Fire Apparatus for the purchase and replacement of a T-41 Ram Streamline hydraulic rescue equipment, a sole source item, for the city fire department.
• OK’d a vendor agreement with Mississippi Department of Human Services for low-income home energy assistant program. The Washington-Warren-Issaquena-Sharkey Community Action Agency will pay utility bills for residents who qualify.
• OK’d the following two budget amendments: a $4,000 transfer in the fire department from the services category of training expense to capital improvements of the installation of a concrete ramp at the fire training center; and a $63,880 decrease in the Delta Regional Authority capital land fund to move monies in order to paint T-hangars at the Vicksburg Municipal Airport. The move was due to a change in scope of the grant and it was transferred to contractor provider services.
• Accepted letter establishing special assessment and OK’d a resolution for cutting and cleaning the following properties: 2503 Togo St., owned by State of Mississippi; 1729 Military Ave., owned by Stated of Mississippi; and 1115 Second North, owned by Mary Johnson Est. c/o D. Hargrove.
• Discussed dilapidated buildings and overgrown lot codes and OK’d Victor Gray-Lewis, director of Buildings and Inspections, to proceed to cut, clean and demolish the following properties: 1002 Bowman St., 1415 High St. and 908 Walnut St. Bonelli Street, PPIN 018242, received a 30-day extension on demolition.
• OK’d a contract with Battlefield Inn for $500 for Christmas party on Friday for members of the Vicksburg Senior Center.
• OK’d a contract with local entertainer Jerrell Cooper for $400 to provide entertainment for the party.
• OK’d a request for a $26,869.05 reimbursement from Fordice Construction for work at the Vicksburg Municipal Airport fire station on U.S. 61 South.
• Heard the city’s United Way pledge report. City employees have donated $22,783.05 so far.
• OK’d Vicksburg Main Street Program’s December advertising, which totaled $4,920.
• OK’d allocating $5,000 to Vicksburg Child Abuse Prevention Center.
In closed session, the board:
• Discussed three resignations in human resources, right of way and police departments.
• Discussed six personnel matters in human resources, street, police, fire, gas, building and maintenance and right of way departments.
The board meets next at 10 a.m. Friday at City Hall Annex.