Vicksburg Board of Mayor and Aldermen agenda items
Published 11:39 am Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Meeting Monday:
• Approved the minutes of the April 4 board meeting.
• Took under advisement a $137 per ton bid from Falco Lime for pebble lime, and a bid for traffic management supplies from Custom Products Co. of Jackson. The Custom Products bid was made per item for 50 items.
• Tabled until Friday was an item authorizing Mayor Paul Winfield to execute a grant agreement between the city and the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality for a pilot residential recycling program for the city.
• Designated Marcia Weaver as the city’s agent for the Federal Emergency Management Agency Mississippi River Flood 2011 Program for public assistance reimbursement.
• Authorized applying for a U.S. Department of Agriculture grant under the 2011 Farmers’ Market Promotion Program.
Weaver said the city could receive up to $100,000 with no match for the city’s Farmers’ Market. She said the money would be used to improve and expand the market. The board named Weaver as the city’s agent for the grant.
• Approved a $9,730 purchase order to Schmooze Communications LLC to purchase a telephone server for City Hall.
• Authorized Winfield to execute an agreement with the Mississippi State Fire Academy for a driver/operator pumper field course from Aug. 1-12 in Vicksburg.
• Accepted the donation of a 50-foot-by-150-foot tract of land on Hall Road from the O’Sullivan Trust Estate. The land is near a city street right of way.
• Authorized a special assessment and approved a resolution to cut and clean lots in the city: Cairo Drive, Signal Hill Realty c/o David Boolos; 1742 Martin Luther King Drive, State of Mississippi; 1837 Cherry St., Henry E. McGrew Jr.; 534 Feld St., Joseph Kings Jr. estate; 2215 Letita St., Leola Johnson Estate c/o Earlean Cogg; 2310 Pearl St., Bert Goodman et al; 1200 Harrison St., George Jr. and Alberta Ivy; and 2312 Pearl St., Betty J. Brown and Janice Brown.
• Authorized city director of buildings and inspections Victor Gray-Lewis to cut the grass and clean off lots at 1610 and 1617 Sky Farm Ave.
• Tabled a request from Kimberly Wilson, Mississippi’s Perfect Miss, to buy an ad in the America’s Perfect Pageant program for the pageant in August in Florida.
• Approved adding city building maintenance employee Charles Smith to the city employee driving list.