Dirt moves delay paving on Redbone Road bridge
Published 11:39 am Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Paving the driving surface for the new bridge on Redbone Road at Paces Bayou will resume next week after more delays in getting dirt to the site, county engineers said.
Subcontractors on the project were ready to lay asphalt last week, but clay gravel in place along the bridge’s approaches failed stability inspections, said Brian Robbins of ABMB Engineers Inc. New clay has been laid and paving is now lined up for next Wednesday, Robbins said.
In March, Laurel-based Magco Inc. won a $541,845.62 bid to replace an aging bridge at the site near the city limits with a modernized span. The work is financed with money from the Mississippi Department of Transportation Office of State Aid Road Construction. Since, motorists have been detoured onto Jeff Davis, Fisher Ferry and Grange Hall roads.
Contract terms called for the job to be done in 90 working days, subject to interruptions for bad weather. About 69 percent of that has elapsed and the project is about 82.75 percent complete, Robbins said. A completion date has not been specified.
Once it does wrap up, the new bridge will be 6 feet wider than the old span, with newer and stronger support pilings.
A second bridge replacement, on two relief bridges on Fisher Ferry Road across the Big Black River, is scheduled to be finished shortly after Jan. 1.