Termite workshop set for Thursday
Published 11:29 am Wednesday, April 23, 2014
It is hard to imagine that something so tiny can cause so much destruction, but termites can literally eat you out of house and home — so to equip homeowners with information on how to protect their houses from the insects, the Warren County Extension Office has scheduled a QuickBites program at noon Thursday.
Dr. Blake Layton, the extension professor in MSU’s Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology and Plant Pathology will lead the live, interactive video feed.
He will identify termites and share how one can take simple, inexpensive, and practical measures to reduce the risk for termite infestations.
All three major termite species in Mississippi mate from January through June in hopes of forming a new colony, said Layton and this is the time that most sightings of termites are found.
The most common type of termites is the Eastern Subterranean species, which are usually not seen until people become aware of an infestation when the annual flights of winged termites called alates occur in structures. After indoors, most alates are found dead near windows or in sinks and bathtubs —usually with their wings still attached.
Other termites that inhabit Mississippi are the Southeastern drywood termites, which are found in the extreme southern states and the Formosa termites found in the southern half of the state.
There is no charge for the program that will be held at the extension office at 1100 C Grove St. For more information, call 601-636-5442 or email warren@ext.msstate.edu.
If you go
The Warren County Extension Office, 1100 C Grove St. will hold a free QuickBites program on termites that will run from noon until 1 p.m. Thursday. For more information, call 601-636-5442 or email warren@ext.msstate.edu.