Week a roller coaster of emotion

Published 12:00 am Sunday, October 11, 2015

We’ve had an emotional week at The Vicksburg Post.

For several weeks, we’ve done preliminary work on the stories in the pink edition of today’s newspaper, which we hope will raise breast cancer awareness.

This week, those interviews came together and photos were shot and the heart wrenching stories of bravery, triumph and heartache right here in Vicksburg hit us head on.

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I’ve never felt so unprofessional in my life as I did while talking to the amazing Hugh Green of Vicksburg. As he told the story of his beloved wife Joe Ann’s struggle to beat breast cancer, my tears flowed.

I felt horrible about asking him to relive that painful time. However, he understood that other husbands, who are facing similar breast cancer battles, might find comfort from knowing about how he and his wife dealt with the disease.

Green offers some great advice for others who find themselves with this disease or supporting someone who has it. Find a church family. We all need support and no group provides love and care better than like-minded believers. The Greens’ faith sustained them and is sustaining Hugh Green today.

He advised married couples to not put off travel and adventure. Those things are an investment in important memories, he said.

Finally, don’t give up. No two cancer cases or treatments are alike and no two people react the same to similar treatment.

As Pearl Carter points on in her story about her cancer struggle, new research is leading to better medication and treatments and, eventually, will eradicate this horrible disease.

In the meantime, we need to be aware.

What does that mean, to raise awareness? We hear that term a lot, but what exactly does raising awareness do for us?

We hope you will read the stories in today’s newspaper — those our staff have written and the 15 stories submitted by our readers who bravely chose to share the story of their struggle with breast cancer or the story of a loved one who suffered the disease — and choose to take action.

As Jerri Mocknick advises in her breast cancer story, get to know your body. Perform on yourself regular breast examinations. This means you, too, men.

In addition, have mammograms regularly. Most insurance covers the cost, and if yours doesn’t, resources are available to help.

Most important, see your doctor at least once a year for an examination. And, urge the women and men in your life to do the same. Nag them if necessary. Do whatever it takes to get them to a doctor. We know for certain early detection of breast cancer is the key to saving lives.

That’s our aim in publishing these stories in this Pink Edition of The Vicksburg Post. We hope it makes a difference in someone’s life.

Jan Griffey is editor of The Vicksburg Post. You may reach her at 601-636-4545, ext. 123, or by emailing jan.griffey@vicksburgpost.com.