Letter: Main Street says ‘thanks’ for parade support
Published 8:09 pm Saturday, June 30, 2018
To the editor:
It is always an honor for the Vicksburg Main Street Program to host the annual Miss Mississippi Parade. It was held on Monday, June 18, in downtown Vicksburg.
It was truly a sight to see as the talented young ladies glistened down Washington Street with beauty and grace. The parade would not be a success without convertibles so we would like to give our sincerest thanks to all the car owners and drivers that took time out of their evening to help make the parade a success.
A huge thank you to the car dealerships, as well as parade volunteers — Main Street Board Member Walter Osborne, and community volunteers Tom Bocek, Trayce Prewitt, Jay Prewitt and Josh Prewitt.
We would like to thank the Miss Mississippi Corporation including the pageant office, Lisa Boleware, princes and princesses, contestants and their families and friends from all over Mississippi.
We want to recognize Warren County Sheriff Department and the Vicksburg Police Department.
We also want to thank our merchants downtown for putting the extra effort forth “Downtown Puts on the Crown” in making all the contestants and their families feel welcomed and delighted to be in Vicksburg.
We appreciate everyone coming together as a community to help make the parade special for the contestants and the community.
Thank you Miss Mississippi Anne Elizabeth Buys for representing our state and Vicksburg wonderfully this year.
Kim Hopkins & Rebecca
Vicksburg Main Street