River City Rescue Mission has special Thanksgiving meal
Published 8:00 pm Wednesday, November 21, 2018
A year ago, the River City Rescue Mission ran out of food on Thanksgiving.
Ernie Hall, director of the mission, asked his wife to go to Kroger to buy more turkey.
Before she left for the grocery store, however, things changed.
“We turned around and food was coming in the door,” Hall said. “And I said, ‘look at God,’ and we all just shouted.”
The food that came in later that day had been enough to feed all who had come to the mission, Hall said, with even some left over.
“I said He fed a multitude when there was nothing, and He will do it again,” Hall said.
Once again, the River City Rescue Mission will be opening its doors on Thanksgiving and serving dinner to those in need.
Last year, Hall said close to 400 people were served.
“Between the in-house (those who live at the River City Rescue Mission) and the deliveries to the homebound, we served about 350 meals,” he said.
However, this year Hall said he was anticipating more people for dinner since the local Salvation Army will not be offering a Thanksgiving meal.
Located at 3705 Washington St., the River City Rescue Mission is open daily for meals, but for the Thanksgiving meal the fare is a little different.
“We serve the whole works for the dinner,” Hall said. “Turkey dressing, ham, sweet potatoes, green beans, potato salad and a multitude of desserts.”
Serving others
For those interested in donating food to the River City Rescue Mission, Hall said they would be grateful. “Whatever people like on their table is what we ask for.”
As far as volunteers who would like to come to the mission and help out, Hall said, “We never turn anybody away that wants to help. I had one lady that came in last year who was pretty well to do. She came in, and she washed all the dishes. She said she just wanted to serve,” Hall said.
Also, Hall said, parents will bring their children to the rescue mission to help.
“They want to show them the other side of life, but also to teach them to be servants, so we get to love on people and teach to them,” Hall said.
Delivering meals
In addition to serving meals to those who come to the River City Rescue Mission, Hall said they also deliver meals to those who are elderly and homebound.
“And we also send folks out in their cars looking for people that don’t know about the meal,” Hall said.
The Thanksgiving meal is served around noon, Hall said, with to-go boxes for the shut-ins prepared first.
“Then we feed the men at the mission and once we get them fed, we then start feeding the public,” Hall said, adding the Thanksgiving meal would be offered until 2 p.m.