Supervisors urge churches within the county to follow ‘Safe Worship’ guidelines
Published 11:28 am Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Warren County Board of Supervisors decided Thursday to defer any additional guidelines involving churches and how they should operate moving forward in the face of the COVID-19 virus to the governor’s office.
During a conference call Thursday, supervisors had discussed whether or not to amend the county’s orders involving the virus, but ultimately decided to instead adopt the governor’s recent “Safe Worship” guidelines that provided a detailed structure on how churches and other worship centers should operate moving forward as they restart in-person worship services.
The extensive list of guidelines included suggestions on processes of preparing churches, sanitizing guidelines, even going as far as suggesting churches host separate services for those church members who are in vulnerable populations.
“Consider holding a separate worship service for vulnerable populations (everyone 65 years and older, people with disabilities, people with serious respiratory or cardiovascular conditions, people who are immunocompromised, and others),” the guidelines read. “Be mindful of the diverse health needs of other members. Remind people who are sick or have been exposed to not attend in-person gatherings and participate virtually instead.”
The guidelines also ask churches to “consider strongly encouraging the use of face coverings (covering nose and mouth) by all persons in the house of worship. Consider having a supply of face coverings available at entrances to offer to individuals if requested.”