FRAZIER: Website woes easily remedied by asking for help
Published 4:00 am Saturday, September 24, 2022
This week, I was praising Amazon.
Ordering has never been easier. You find what you need, put it in “the cart” and order.
Gone are the days of rifling through mail-order catalogs, calling the number located at the bottom of the page and waiting for someone to answer the call.
With Amazon, it’s as easy as 1-2-3. That is if you know how. There are some that have yet to master Internet shopping. And while you may think these folks are trapped in a time warp, I do not judge.
There is much technology that I either struggle with or just plain don’t understand.
Take, for instance, The Vicksburg Post’s online newspaper.
You would think that because I work at The Post, I would have no issue reading a story online, but I do. Admittedly, I have cussed a couple of times when I couldn’t remember my password and was locked out. In those moments, I’d frustratedly open up our website dashboard and read the stories there, instead of fighting the website itself.
For those who, like me, struggle with the online version of the paper but don’t have the little perk of reading the raw stories like I do, may I suggest giving us — I mean our friendly customer service staff who are more adept at explaining how to read and access the online paper — a call and setting up a time when someone there can walk you through the process.
Even better, email and you will hear from Shandale Goodman, Vera Ann Fedell or Catherine Hadaway who will all be happy to get you set up and reading online.
Anyone who has a subscription to The Vicksburg Post can also read content online if they desire for no additional fee. It just takes getting signed up.
Fortunately, the other little perk of my job, is that my publisher signed me up for the service. Otherwise, I would still be reading either the hard copy of the paper or like I said earlier, the stories from our website dashboard.
Technology is only beneficial if you can use it, and I am here to say I have no shame in asking someone — mostly hubby, one of the kids or a younger work colleague — how to use it.
And as a tip, because I am a slow learner and anything techy does not come easy for me, I have also realized that the more I repeat what I have been taught, the better the chance I will retain the knowledge.
There are a lot of things that come easy to me: cleaning toilets, making beds and washing dishes. But computer and iPhone skills, not so much.
If you are having issues learning how to navigate something you don’t understand, it is never a bad thing to seek help. Email us at or give us a call at 601-636-4545 if you would like to set up an in-person appointment for help getting on Making an appointment is important so we can be sure to give you our undivided attention.
And by the way, I am always happy to share my domestic knowledge. All you have to do is ask.