Mississippi Governor Candidate Brandon Presley to visit Vicksburg Thursday

Published 2:11 pm Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Mississippi Gubernatorial Candidate Brandon Presley (D-Nettleton) will travel to Vicksburg on Thursday for a speaking engagement hosted by the Warren County Democratic Party Executive Committee.

Presley, who currently serves as Northern District Public Service Commissioner for the state of Mississippi, will speak at Travelers Rest Baptist Church, 718 Bowmar Ave., from 6 to 7:30 p.m.

A Democrat, Presley is running on a platform of eliminating corruption in state government, implementing health care reform, cutting taxes and creating jobs. As of Tuesday morning, Presley announced his campaign raised more than $500,000 in the month of June for a total of $1.85 million cash-in-hand.

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According to his office, 91 percent of contributions for the month of June were $200 or less, spread among 2,300 total donors, with approximately 1,100 new donors.

Presley will face fellow Democrat Bob Hickingbottom in the Aug. 8 primary election. The winner of that race will go on to face Independent candidate Gwendolyn Gray and the winner of the Republican Primary. Republican candidates are Gov. Tate Reeves, Dr. John Witcher and David Hardigree.

The general election for state and county offices will take place on Nov. 7.