Old Post Files: June 19, 1924 to 2014

Published 10:14 am Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Old Post Files is a regular feature within the pages of The Vicksburg Post’s print edition and digital e-edition. This feature looks back at some of the happenings from the pages of The Vicksburg Post over the past few decades. Enjoy.

100 Years Ago: 1924

Atkins pitched Vicksburg to a 7 to 4 win over Hattiesburg. • Gasoline prices dropped two cents, according to W.R. Hovious. • Joe Short Jr. was elected editor-in-chief of The Dacet at VMI.

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90 Years Ago: 1934

Genevieve McAulife’s dance pupils gave a revue. • Leo Seymour, garage operator, died. • W.W. Broome attended a convention of the Southern Seedmen’s Association in Memphis.

80 Years Ago: 1944

Cadets William McKay and Max Feibelman, from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, were spending a furlough with relatives. • Lawrence Hennessey was re-elected president of the Lions Club. • James Cagney starred in “Frisco Kid” at The Saenger Theater.

70 Years Ago: 1954

Mr. and Mrs. R.R. Morrison Sr. entertained with an open house honoring Mr. and Mrs. R.R. Morrison Jr.  • Bob Geoffrey was attending the Southeastern  Institute for Commercial Organization Executives. • Mr. and Mrs. Junie Hovious and their son were in Vicksburg from Ole Miss.

60 Years Ago: 1964

A.D. Noble, of Edwards, was a patient at Mercy Hospital. • Mr. and Mrs. Howard Madison Jr. announced the birth of a daughter, Mayme Lynn. • Barbara Gifford and David W. Ellis were married.

50 Years Ago: 1974

Martha Burton Ketchum died unexpectedly. • George Culkin won the runoff election for Warren County circuit clerk. • Medgor L. Ford died after a long illness.

40 Years Ago: 1984

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bragg announced the birth of a son, Justin Emory. • Marijuana was found growing in the parking lot of The Vicksburg Post Office. • Tony and Linda Sweezer announced the birth of their son, Anthony Paul.

30 Years Ago: 1994

Groundwork began for the Vicksburg Factory Outlets off East Clay Street. • Mr. and Mrs. Stan Curry of Eagle Lake celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.

20 Years Ago: 2004

The Greenville-Vicksburg District Sunday School Convention was meeting at Travis Chapel AME Church.

10 Years Ago: 2014

Thad Cochran made his third visit to Vicksburg. • A prescription fraud case against a Tallulah doctor continued.