Old Post Files: June 21, 1924 to 2014

Published 9:00 am Friday, June 21, 2024

Old Post Files is a regular feature within the pages of The Vicksburg Post’s print edition and digital e-edition. This feature looks back at some of the happenings from the pages of The Vicksburg Post over the past few decades. Enjoy.

100 Years Ago: 1924 

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burnett attended the gun shoot in Yazoo City. • Mrs. R.L. Crook returned from Birmingham, Ala. and Montgomery, Ala. • Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Fairley and children were visiting relatives in Fayette.

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90 Years Ago: 1934

Charles Peatross died. • Louis Hornthall celebrated his 92nd birthday. • Freda Tovar left for Memphis. • Ralph Jacobs Jr. was visiting in Lexington.

80 Years Ago: 1944

Services were held for Sarah Young. • Maj. and Mrs. James Magowan were moving to Hattiesburg. • The Rev. T.O. Prewitt was attending the Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference of the Methodist Church in Atlanta. 

70 Years Ago: 1954

Vivian Burroughs and J.B. Middleton were married. • Riley Porter passed away. • James A. Wright was a patient at Mercy Hospital. • Services were held for Mrs. T.L. Patton.

60 Years Ago: 1964

Melvin Faulk was a patient at Mercy Hospital. • Services were held for Samuel Harris. • Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Cantrell and the children were visiting relatives in Monroe.

50 Years Ago: 1974

Jack Ramsey was selected as a permanent member of the board of governors of the International Insurance Seminars Inc. • Stephanie Green left for a brief sightseeing trip to Casablanca, Morocco. • The Rev. Nelson White died.

40 Years Ago: 1984

The near-empty state treasury held back 23,000 state income tax refunds until the first or second week of July. • Charlie Johnson, a Port Gibson resident, died. • Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Embry announced the birth of a son, Andrew Cole.

30 Years Ago: 1994

Gilbert Metz, a Holocaust survivor, spoke to the Vicksburg Lions Club. • Mr. and Mrs. Wendall Hayes Baker III  announced the birth of their son, Tanner Hayes. 

20 Years Ago: 2004

A Vicksburg woman was arrested and charged with shooting into an occupied dwelling.

10 Years Ago: 2014

A fundraiser for the Strand Theatre was held at Roca. • VNMP shared war stories. The city board discussed pay raises.