Old Post Files: June 26, 1924 to 2014

Published 2:27 pm Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Old Post Files is a regular feature within the pages of The Vicksburg Post’s print edition and digital e-edition. This feature looks back at some of the happenings from the pages of The Vicksburg Post over the past few decades. Enjoy.

100 Years Ago: 1924

Mattie Dochterman and Welton Harkey were married. • Services were held for Mary Thibodeaux. • Harry Pierce was recovering from an illness. • H.S. Ferguson was with Baer and Bro.

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90 Years Ago: 1934

Harry Leyens addressed the City Club. • Mrs. W.A. Magnon Jr. underwent surgery for appendicitis. • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. John Herrman returned from Chicago, where they enjoyed the Century in Progress.

80 Years Ago: 1944

David F. Laudenheimer died. • Mrs. Daniel Green was visiting her husband in the Navy; he was stationed in San Francisco. • Robert H. Lockhart died. • The Rev. T.O. Prewitt returned from Atlanta.

70 Years Ago: 1954

David McHann was the second case of polio in 1954. • Carleton Sherman was one of 900 cadets at Camp Gordon for summer training. • Angelo Corte left to attend summer school at Catholic University in Washington D.C.

60 Years Ago: 1964

Camille Buelow died. • Mrs. Sudie B. Harkins passed away. • Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Weaver announced the birth of a daughter, Nancy. 

50 Years Ago: 1974

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lee Williams announced the birth of a daughter, Candida Leann. • Mr. and Mrs. James Ellington and their children, April and Chris, made Vicksburg their home.  •Burnie Ewell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Ewell, won first place in the state 4-H Dog Care project.

40 Years Ago: 1984

Felix Brown, president of the Vicksburg Key Club, presented a check for $600 to the March of Dimes campaign director Mrs. Maudie Lee Still. • Cheese and butter were distributed to food stamp recipients and low-income residents in Vicksburg. • Wayne Edward Outtonberry and Carrie Taylor were injured in a wreck on Askew Ferry Road.

30 Years Ago: 1994

U.S. Senate candidate Ken Harper of Vicksburg won the Democratic nomination against Hiram Eastland.

20 Years Ago: 2004

The Vicksburg Cruisers Car Club was having an old car cruise at Bumpers.

10 Years Ago: 2014

Southern Heritage Air Foundation hosted a hangar luncheon. • Poverty Point received international recognition. • The county jobless rate was up in May.