Our next magazine brings a new chance for photo submissions

Published 5:00 pm Saturday, August 10, 2024

Time flies when you are having a good time and while it just seems like yesterday we were working on the July/August issue of the Vicksburg Living Magazine, we have already gotten the wheels in motion for the next.

There are some great stories lined up for the September/October issue and, as always, I am inviting readers to send in photos for our submitted section of the magazine.

This is one of my favorite aspects of the magazine. You never know what someone is going to submit, like in our last issue. Lindsey Gilliland sent in what I thought was one of the coolest vacation pictures ever. I wondered how many shots she had to take to get that picture of her sons we ran on the cover of the magazine. Hats off to her for such a creative endeavor.

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Last year, for the September/October issue of the magazine, I instigated a bit of a competition. I challenged folks to send in tailgate photos. And whichever school was represented the most, they gained bragging rights as the winner and their school colors were used in the design.

Had I known Ole Miss would blow it out of the water, I may have rethunk — yes, this is a word according to en.wiktionary.org. its definition means a humorous, nonstandard past participle of rethink — that idea.

Therefore, for this year’s September/October issue of the magazine, I decided to punt on asking for tailgate photos and instead invite everyone to send in a favorite Halloween picture.

For those of you who know me, you know I love to decorate for Halloween. It’s second only to my Christmas madness.

I think the love of Halloween was instilled in me when I was a little girl. I enjoyed playing dress-up, especially at Mary Helen’s house. She was my grandmother, and she never said no to anything, even when I would drag out old dresses and shoes from her closet and wear them around her house, pretending to be all grown up. And of course, there was the lipstick. One can never do without ruby red lips.

Halloween was also enjoyable when my children were little. We had neighborhood parties before we trekked out to trick-or-treat and helping them come up with a creative costume always conjured up fond memories of when I, too, had headed out for candy.

It sounds crazy to be talking about Halloween when it’s hot as heck outside, but that’s the way the magazine works. You need to think ahead in order to get a publication out in a timely fashion.

So don’t delay. The deadline is Aug. 17, which means you have a little over a week to send them to terri.frazier@vicksburgpost.com. Please be sure and list everyone who is in the picture and don’t hesitate to send an oldy but goody. I plan to go through my photos to see if I can dredge one up of myself from when I was a little girl. I know it’s somewhere in one of my many photo boxes. Happy haunting!

Terri Cowart Frazier writes features for The Vicksburg Post. She can be reached at terri.frazier@vicksburgpost.com



About Terri Cowart Frazier

Terri Frazier was born in Cleveland. Shortly afterward, the family moved to Vicksburg. She is a part-time reporter at The Vicksburg Post and is the editor of the Vicksburg Living Magazine, which has been awarded First Place by the Mississippi Press Association. She has also been the recipient of a First Place award in the MPA’s Better Newspaper Contest’s editorial division for the “Best Feature Story.”

Terri graduated from Warren Central High School and Mississippi State University where she received a bachelor’s degree in communications with an emphasis in public relations.

Prior to coming to work at The Post a little more than 10 years ago, she did some freelancing at the Jackson Free Press. But for most of her life, she enjoyed being a full-time stay at home mom.

Terri is a member of the Crawford Street United Methodist Church. She is a lifetime member of the Vicksburg Junior Auxiliary and is a past member of the Sampler Antique Club and Town and Country Garden Club. She is married to Dr. Walter Frazier.

“From staying informed with local governmental issues to hearing the stories of its people, a hometown newspaper is vital to a community. I have felt privileged to be part of a dedicated team at The Post throughout my tenure and hope that with theirs and with local support, I will be able to continue to grow and hone in on my skills as I help share the stories in Vicksburg. When asked what I like most about my job, my answer is always ‘the people.’

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