Volunteer of the Week: Blackburn believes volunteerism shows character

Published 10:09 pm Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Volunteer of the Week is Brother Blackburn. Blackburn was born and raised in Vicksburg. He graduated from Cooper High School and earned a BS in industrial engineering from Mississippi State University, as well as a JD law degree from the University of Mississippi. He practiced law with Teller Law Firm in Vicksburg from 1973 to 1976, before joining his father in the automobile business at Blackburn Motor Company in Vicksburg. Blackburn retired in 2020 after turning over the dealership to his son, Jeb Blackburn. He is married to Jeane McNeel Blackburn and they are proud parents of three children, Jeb, David, and Ann Barrett, as well as eight grandchildren. Blackburn is a member and past active elder at First Presbyterian Church.

How did your volunteering for the chamber of commerce and Vicksburg Warren School District begin?

When I was selected to serve as president of the Vicksburg-Warren County Chamber of Commerce in 2009, I realized that the most important element to the progress and economic growth of our community was the educational system. We recognized that we needed to change the perception and actuality of our school system from a negative detractor to a positive attractor. Christi Kilroy, the executive director at that time, informed me about The Leader in Me program based on Stephen Covey’s book, “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Leaders,” and administered by the Covey organization. This program taught these principles to elementary-grade students and had proven to be transformative in several schools throughout the nation, and now the world. With Covey’s recognized expertise and track record, we felt that this was the perfect first step. Starting with two elementary schools, Bowmar and Bovina, who competed for implementation, the program has grown to where it is now: VWSD-wide in all grades. Its success is evidenced by school administrators from all over the country coming to Vicksburg to see what we’re doing, not to mention the measured improvements in test scores, state ranking and disciplinary actions. Our kids and their teachers and employees are now being taught fundamental principles that the business community is looking for in their employees.

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How long have you been volunteering with the chamber and school district?

I have been volunteering with both entities for 15 years now. 

What is your favorite memory while volunteering for the chamber and school district?

We had the same problem all initiatives have…funding. Therefore, my favorite memory is my friend and fellow board member, Bob Morrison III, locking arms with me in soliciting funding from the business community in Vicksburg for The Leader in Me; we didn’t want the school system to have to take away from their budget. I’ll never forget that we did not get a single “no” from the business community. They knew that this was an important task that was worth the investment.

What would you tell someone who is thinking about volunteering?

Find something that matters to you; you’ll be surprised what one person can accomplish and the powerful influence that you can have on others. Don’t wait until you retire. For some reason, I seem to have less time to volunteer now. Or maybe it’s having eight grandchildren to volunteer for.

What are some of your tasks while volunteering for the chamber and school district?

My involvement has changed from being the leader in charge of direction and funding to one of being more of a mentor to students. Mock interviews, visits to our business, internships, speaking about opportunities and requirements in automotive careers, etc.

What have you learned from volunteering?

It is a very rich blessing to live in a close-knit small community like Vicksburg. There are so many wonderful caring people here who simply want the best for all of our citizens and are willing to volunteer their gifts and talents to that end.

How can someone who might be interested in volunteering with the chamber and school district get involved?

Ask and it will be given; Seek and you will find; Knock and the door will be opened (Matthew 7:7).

If there is a volunteer who should be featured, please submit their name and contact information to volunteer@vicksburgpost.com.