Published 12:30 am Saturday, February 22, 2014
70 YEARS AGO: 1944
Faver Faulk, with the Vicksburg District Corps of Engineers in this city, is transferred to Rock Island, Ill. • Frank Garvey is ill at the Vicksburg Infirmary.
60 YEARS AGO: 1954
Charles E. Downing Jr. is enrolled as an aviation cadet at Maxwell Field, Ala. • Charles Harvey, former resident, is killed in a railroad accident in Wyoming.
50 YEARS AGO: 1964
Jeanette Ratcliff presents her senior piano recital at Grove Street School Auditorium. • Dr. B. R. Clark, veteran Lorman physician, dies.
40 YEARS AGO: 1974
Mrs. Mary Helfin dies. • Memorial services are held for the Dr. Walter E. Johnston.
30 YEARS AGO: 1984
Tommy W. Autrey is named head football coach and athletic director at St. Aloysius High School.
20 YEARS AGO: 1994
Sandy Grammar, FFA president, and Kelly Lee, FFA vice president, represent the Vicksburg Warren County Vo-Tech Future Farmers of America Chapter in speaking contests.
10 YEARS AGO: 2004
The Breast Cancer Support Group has reorganization meeting for patients, survivors and families.