Old Post Files • 022414
Published 11:45 am Monday, February 24, 2014
70 YEARS AGO: 1944
The home of Jesse Flowers on Confederate Avenue is destroyed by fire. • Mrs. Percy Cowan leaves for Savannah, Ga., to visit from Camp Peary, Va.
60 YEARS AGO: 1954
Mrs. Alex Brunini is injured in a fall at her home. • Chief Petty Officer M. W. Olson is here on a visit from Camp Peary, Va.
50 YEARS AGO: 1964
John Harper passes away. • Mrs. and Mr. George Culkin announce the birth of a son, George, on Feb. 19.
40 YEARS AGO: 1974
Capt. and Mrs. John Barr and children are visiting relatives here. • Mr. Gladys Hutchins is a patient at Vicksburg Hospital.
30 YEARS AGO: 1984
The old towboat Warren G. Houghland, which sank in the 1973 flood, is being rebuilt at the Vicksburg waterfront. • The Vicksburg National Military Park has its 75th birthday.
20 YEARS AGO: 1994
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Anderson of Vicksburg announce the birth of a son, Jeremy Robert, on Feb. 7. • Keith Allen Bass celebrates his second birthday.
10 YEARS AGO: 2004
Vicksburg had fourth winner in nationwide car giveaway. • Free cholesterol and blood pressure screenings, self-assessment tests and literature were given at Wal-Mart.