Published 12:00 am Friday, September 22, 2000
EXCHANGE 12:30 p.m. Monday; Piccadilly; business meeting.
BEEKEEPERS Meeting, 7 p.m. Tuesday; Warren County Agricultural Extension Agency, 1100 C Grove St.; learn how to make creamed honey; 638-2271.
DAUGHTERS OF AMERICAN COLONISTS 2 p.m. Monday; 6527 Fisher Ferry Road.
VICKSBURG WARREN RETIRED TEACHERS Meeting; 11:30 a.m. Monday; Hinds Community College Auditorium.
REUNITE SOCIAL AND CIVIC DANCE 9 p.m.-until, Saturday; Club 2000, formerly Bertha’s.
HOMEMAKER VOLUNTEERS COUNCIL 9:30 a.m. Tuesday; Extension Service conference room, 1100-C Grove St.
Public prgrams
SCHC Saturday, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., for children ages 8-12, pin-hole camera workshop, teacher, Barbara Faulkner; $20 for Southern Cultural Heritage Foundation members and $25 for non-members; 4-5:30 p.m. Tuesday; learn how to use the sun to capture images; cost of the workshop includes supplies and is $10 for members and $14 for non-members; 631-2997.
CASA PARENT AID VOLUNTEER TRAINING 5:30-9 p.m. Oct. 16-17 and 23-24; Vicksburg Child Abuse Prevention Center, 2732 Washington St.; for more information, call 634-0557.
EPILEPSY SUPPORT GROUP 6:30 p.m. Tuesday; ParkView Regional Medical Center conference room; free; Dennis Cagle, director of Physical Plant Methodist Rehabilitation Center, will be guest speaker.
DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES Register, 7 p.m. Tuesday; City Pavilion.
OAK RIDGE OPRY 7 tonight; Oak Ridge Youth and Community Center; music by Buck Wilds and the Wild Bunch; admission is $2; refreshments will be on sale.
LEVI’S – A Gathering Place Levi’s will be closed tonight; 8-11 p.m. Saturday, 3327 Clay St. (across from Holiday Inn); those looking for a wholesome place to meet new friends, enjoy music by Magnolia 8; cappuccino, regular and flavored coffee, fountain drinks and sweets; game room with pool table and more for children; no cover charge.
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY HOUSE DEDICATION 2 p.m. Sunday, 2302 Letitia St.; house is for Deloris Ann Powell and her family.
CAKE DECORATING CLASS Beginner classes, Monday; advanced classes, Tuesday; 634-6193.
LINKS WALK-A-THON Registration 7:30 a.m., walk begins at 8 a.m.; Saturday; Pemberton Square mall parking lot; free health screening, health-related information and snacks.
RIVER KIDS AFTER-SCHOOL ARTS PROGRAM 4-5:30 p.m. Thursdays through April; Southern Cultural Heritage Complex; free and open to children ages 7-13; reservations required; 631-2997.
“THE NERD” Presented by the Vicksburg Theatre Guild; through Sunday and Sept. 29-30; Friday and Saturday curtain time is at 7 p.m.; Sunday curtain time is at 2 p.m.; 636-0471.
VICKSBURG SENIOR CENTER Today: 1 p.m., finish your craft time; Monday: 9-11 a.m., senior swim time; 10, NIA exercise; 11-noon, violin lessons; 2:15-3:30, how to make homemade soap; 6-8, couple and line dance class; Tuesday: 9-11 a.m. senior swim time; 9-10 beginner piano lessons; 1-2 p.m., learn to play the dulcimer; 1-4, open play dominoes and Canasta; 3:30-5, water color art class.
COOL SPRING M.B. MUSICIAN’S APPRECIATION Program for Kevin Winters; 5:30 p.m. Saturday; special guests will be Restoration International Ministries of Pensacola and many local groups and soloists.
ST. JAMES M.B. CRUSADE FOR CHRIST 7 p.m. Saturday-Saturday, Sept. 3; speakers will be Douglas Bryant, pastor, Willie J. Jones, Walter Weathersby, Horace McKay, Kenny Ramsey, R.D. Wells, Lula Johnson and Lorenzo Carter.
HOLY HILL M.B. REVIVAL 7:30 tonight; the Rev. Henry Mayfield will be evangelist; the Rev. Booker T. Smith is host pastor.
HAWKINS UNITED METHODIST Will host Frank Harvey, Christian actor, Sunday-Wednesday; performances will be at 6:3 p.m. each day and during the 8:30 a.m. and 11:45 worship Sunday.
BETHLEHEM M.B. CHOIR REHEARSAL 3055 N. Washington St.; noon Saturday; Kevin Winters is musician.
GROVE STREET MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA 6 p.m. Saturday; music by Grove Street Mass Choir, Marvin King and other choirs.
WARRENTON INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Gospel singing; 7 p.m. Saturday; will feature “The Telestials” and “The Warrenton Boys;” admission free; offering collected.
SOUTHSIDE BAPTIST TENT REVIVAL 7 tonight; 4306 Halls Ferry Road; the Rev. Greg Clemts will speak; Jim Hill and his family will provide music; nursery provided; 631-0047.
ROSE HILL M.B. REVIVAL 683 Stenson Road; 7 tonight; speakers will be the Rev. Curtis Baugh and the Rev. Richard Helom; the Rev. Walter Weathersby is pastor.
TRAVIS CHAPEL A.M.E. REVIVAL 7 tonight, 745 Hudson St.; the Rev. Walter Wilson, evangelist; the Rev. Horace McKay, pastor.
EASTERN STAR SPAGHETTI LUNCH 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday; Masonic Temple, Cain Ridge Road; adults, $5; children under 11, $3.50.