Published 12:00 am Friday, March 16, 2001
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS LENTEN FISH FRY 6-7:30 p.m. every Friday during Lent; $6, dine in or take out; grilled fish and baked potato will also be served.
A.A.R.P. 10 a.m. Tuesday, Neill Building; Ivory L. Craig, program administrator with the Mississippi Department of Human Services, will be guest speaker.
CENTRAL MISSISSIPPI CHAPTER TIGER ATHLETIC FOUNDATION Evening with LSU Coach Nick Saban, 6 p.m. Thursday, Primos Northgate Restaurant, Jackson; tickets $15 for adults and $10 for children under 10; John Andrew Griffin, 601-713-1146 or Bill Hulsey, 601-605-8833.
KIWANIS Noon Tuesday, Maxwell’s; Bill Lancaster, Cooper Lighting, will speak.
DAV Meet 5:30 p.m. Monday, VFW Post 2572.
APPRECIATION DANCE In honor of Reunite Social and Civic Club; 9 p.m.-until, Saturday, The Hut, 1618 Main St.; music by D.J.’s Dale Carr, Roy “D.J. Candy” Brown and Richard “Dr. C” Clark; donations accepted.
FORT ST. PIERRE Colonial Dames of the 17th Century, meet 2:30 p.m. Monday, Piccadilly.
VFW POST 10734 Chicken-on-a-stick dinner sale, 11 a.m. Saturday; spaghetti dinner sale 5-8 p.m.; eat-in or carry out; 661-0929.
AMERICAN LEGION TYNER-FORD POST 213 American Legion’s 82nd anniversary and Tyner-Ford Post 213 52nd anniversary program and dinner, 6 p.m. Sunday; Harvey Johnson Jr., mayor of Jackson, will be guest speaker.
IVYETTES 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Rolling Acres Community Center; T-shirt and cap money due.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Saltillo breakfast, 8-11 a.m. Sunday, KC Hall; $3 per person.
BROADWATER LODGE NO. 55 6 p.m. Saturday; giving the second degree; all Prince Hall Masons are welcome.
HINDS TRUCK AND VAN CLUB 16TH ANNIVERSARY Saturday, Elks Home, 3100 Lynch St., Jackson; featuring Robert “Duke” Tillman and D.J. Ragman; $10.
PUBLIC MEETING To discuss affordable housing to be located at 1022 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive; 5:30 p.m. Tuesday; E.D. Straughter Baptist Memorial Center.
VHS CLASS OF 1986 Reunion meeting; 6 p.m. Tuesday, Pizza Hut on Pemberton Blvd.; Angela Carpenter, 638-7881, or Ria Williams, 638-7988.
PARENTS FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS 6 p.m. Tuesday, Bowmar Elementary; Kelly Butler, national executive director of PPS, will speak.
WALKER FAMILY REUNION PLANNING MEETING 4 p.m. Sunday, 1014 Walnut St.; all family members are urged to be present.
VHS/WCHS CLASS OF 1991 REUNION Registration money, $100, should be sent to P.O. Box 822606, Vicksburg, MS. 39182; reunion will be June 15-17; Sheila Trevilion, 638-3504.
VICKSBURG THEATRE GUILD AUDITIONS “Ten Little Indians,” an Agatha Christie mystery; 3 p.m. Sunday and 6:30 p.m. Monday; vtg@netdoor.com
MISSISSIPPI NUMISMATIC ASSOCIATION 40th annual state convention and coin show; 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday-Sunday, President Casino Broadwater Resort, Biloxi; $2 admission; (800) 624-3000.
ATTIC GALLERY “The Birds!,” a theme show featuring “bird stuff” by more than 50 artists; opening reception, 7-9 p.m. Friday; 638-9221.
SENIOR CENTER Friday: 1 p.m., Mexican dominoes; Monday: 9-10 a.m., beginner piano note reading; 10-11, piano keyboarding; 10-11, Salvation Army sing along; 10, NIA exercise; 11-noon, violin lessons; 6-8 p.m., social and line dance class; Tuesday: 10 a.m., A.A.R.P. covered dish meeting; 10-11, beginner computer; 10-11, arts and crafts with Linda Hamilton of The Craft Store; 11-noon, intermediate computer; 1-2 p.m., learn to play the dulcimer; 1, knitting lessons.
TRAVELERS REST ANNUAL SUNDAY SCHOOL PROGRAM 4 p.m. Saturday, 1922 Pearl St.; the Rev. Thomas Bernard is pastor; Tricillia Gallaway is chairman.
MOUNT ZION NO. 4 M.B. CATFISH DINNER SALE Saturday; $5, menu: catfish, spaghetti, vegetable, potato salad, roll and cake; 122 Union Ave.; proceeds benefit the youth department; to order, 631-6805.
NEW ROCK OF AGES Business meeting, deacons meet at 6 p.m. Saturday, members meet at 7.
ST. JAMES M.B. LADIES AUXILIARY 4 p.m. Saturday, 400 N. Adams St.
ST. MARK M.B. REVIVAL 7 p.m. Friday; 3395 N. Washington St.; W.C. Wallace, pastor; Joseph Willis, associate pastor.
BYPASS CHURCH OF CHRIST INDOOR GARAGE SALE 7 a.m.-until Saturday; 787 Highway 61 N. Bypass.
A MORNING OF GLORY Brunch, 8:30-9:45 a.m. Saturday; ministry, 10 a.m.; Family Life Cathedral, 2832 Ken Karyl Ave.; evangelist Martha Gibson will speak; Max and Betty Tyler are pastors.
TRAVIS CHAPEL A.M.E. Pre-anniversary musical extravaganza; 6:30 p.m. Saturday; 745 Hutson St.; the Rev. Horace L. McKay, pastor.
ANGELIC VOICES OF CHRIST 2ND ANNIVERSARY 6:30 p.m. Friday-Saturday, First Springhill Baptist Church, 2015 Grove St.; musical guests include the United Voices of Harmony of Jackson, East Star of Tallulah and the Sharkey-Issaquena Mass Choir.