Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 9, 2001
BEULAH CEMETERY COMMITTEE Called meeting; 11 a.m. Wednesday; Robbins Funeral Home.
VICKSBURG HOMECOMING CLUB 7 p.m. Wednesday; home of Robert and Athena Jefferson, Halls Ferry Road.
ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY Omicron Rho Lambda Chapter; 6 p.m. Thursday; LD’s Kitchen, 1111 Mulberry St.; the Martin Luther King scholarship breakfast will be discussed; James Giles, president, 634-4103, or Gregory L. Jackson, secretary, 636-1793; annual dues should be paid.
PARAGON LODGE NO. 7 F&AM Group photos will be taken at 7 Tuesday night; meeting at 7:30; Mason attire; Prince Hall Masons are welcome; Gregory L. Jackson, 636-1793; annual dues should be paid.
GOLD WING ROAD RIDERS CHAPTER E 6:30 Tuesday night at the home of Bill and Shirley Collins; bring covered dish; topics will include the poker run and spring rides; 638-36840
UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY 2:30 p.m. Thursday; Piccadilly; program will be “Lee and Jackson” presented by Eddie Cressup.
LIONS Noon Wednesday; Maxwell’s; Susie Chatham, director of the children’s shelter, will speak.
WARREN COUNTY GIRL SCOUTS Service unit meeting; 7 Tuesday night; St. Michael Catholic Church; all leaders are encouraged to attend.
VFW POST 10734 and Ladies Auxiliary; meet 7 Tuesday night.
AMERICAN LEGION 213 1618 Main St.; meet 8 Tuesday night.
VICKSBURG BPW Business meeting; 6:30 Tuesday night; Jacques Cafe; topic will be the electoral process; Alene Thornton, 638-7441.
DANCE CLASSES Ballet, tap, jazz, acrobatics and cheerleading registration for ages 3-adult; waltz lessons: beginner class 7-8 p.m. Wednesday, intermediate class, 8-9 p.m. Wednesday; ballroom dance party; 8-10 p.m. Friday; two step lessons: 6-7 p.m. Thursday; all classes at Applause Dance Factory, 208 Industrial Drive, Ridgeland; $10 per person; taught by Barbara Thames and Jim Frechette; 856-6168.
OAK RIDGE OPRY Friday; oak Ridge Youth and Community Center; music by the Oak Ridge Band; admission is $2; refreshments and baked goods are available.
JOHN BILLINGTON BLUES CONCERT 4 p.m. Thursday; free; Southern Cultural Heritage Complex; 631-2997.
PUBLIC LIBRARY SCHEDULE Wednesday: 10:30 a.m. “Benjamin’s Portrait” and others will be read followed by an art activity.
HAWKINS PRESCHOOL Openings for 4-year-old class for the second semester; 636-7051.
HOME FRIENDSHIP GROUPS Meet at 7 p.m. every Tuesday; enjoy Christian fellowship, held and friendship; adult and teen groups; Donna, 630-9324.
GED CLASSES 6-8 Tuesday night; River City Rescue Mission.
30 YEARS OF LIVING BLUES EXHIBIT Through March 16; weekday afternoons; free; Southern Cultural Heritage Complex; 631-2997.
VICKSBURG SENIOR CENTER Tuesday: 1-2 p.m., learn to play the dulcimer; 1, bonus bingo; 2-3, perspective drawing; Wednesday: 10 a.m., NIA exercise; 11-noon, advance computer; 1:30-3:30 p.m., beginner acrylic art; Thursday: 8:30 a.m., NIA exercise; 9:30, beginner bridge lessons; 10-11, beginner computer class; 11-noon, intermediate computer class; 1 p.m., SuperValu/Sack & Save bingo; Friday: 10 a.m., bean bag baseball; 11-noon, advanced computer class; 1 p.m., IQH Healthcare flu-pneumonia.
WARREN COUNTY MINISTERS ALLIANCE Meet 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, E.D. Straughter Baptist Memorial Center, 1411 Martin Luther King Jr. St.; lesson by the Rev. Elzie O’Neal; message by the Rev. Rudolf Richter; refreshments will be served; the Rev. Will Moffett is president.
LOCUST GROVE M.B. Business meeting; 7 p.m. Thursday; the Rev. Robert L. Miller is pastor.