[07/09/01] CLUBS KIWANIS
Published 12:00 am Monday, July 9, 2001
KIWANIS Noon Tuesday, Maxwell’s; John Miles, senior vice president at Vicksburg Chemical Company, will be guest speaker.
AMERICAN LEGION TYNER-FORD POST 213 8 p.m. Tuesday; election of officers; refreshments will be served.
VICKSBURG CRUISERS Eat at 6, meet at 7 p.m. Monday, Goldie’s Trail Barbecue; 636-2720.
CORPS OF ENGINEERS CHAPTER Chamber of Commerce; noon Tuesday, Piccadilly; Don Brown, Warren-Yazoo Mental Health, will be guest speaker.
PARAGON LODGE NO. 7 F&AM 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the lodge; Masonic attire, all Prince Hall affiliates welcome; Gregory L. Jackson, 636-1793.
NAACP Monthly meeting, 7 p.m. Monday, Kings Community Center.
AMERICAN LEGION POST 213 Regular meeting, 7:30 p.m. Monday.
PUBLIC LIBRARY SCHEDULE Tuesday: 10:30 a.m., Karen Williamson will read “Astro Bunnies” and other stories followed by crafts; Wednesday: 10:30 a.m., Pied Piper Preschool will present the play “Caps for Sale;” 4 p.m., arts and crafts day; Thursday: 10:30 a.m., series of nutritional programs by Valerie Green for school-age children; Friday; last day to report on books for the Summer Library Program.
FAMILIES AND FRIENDS OF MENTALLY ILL Support group; 6 p.m. Tuesday, Warren-Yazoo Mental Health clubhouse.
“THE ART OF STORY TELLING” Must register by Wednesday; classes begin at 6 p.m. Thursday, Warren County Extension Service conference room; free admission; Kimberly R. Smith-Russ, 636-5391.
VICKSBURG CHAMBER CHOIR Chorale auditions; 7-8:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, Christ Episcopal Church, 1115 Main St.; the choir will perform Johannnes Brahms’ Requiem under the direction of Dr. Roland Shaw of Jackson; Ed O’Neil, 638-0576.
CHILDREN’S HOUSE MONTESSORI Quilting class for ages 10 and older, 9 a.m.-noon through Friday; soccer camp for ages 10-14, 8 a.m.-3 p.m., through Friday; cheerleading camp for ages 6-9, 8 a.m.-noon, through Friday; for information, 636-2874.
SENIOR CENTER Monday: 1 p.m., basic sewing; 6-8, social and line dance class; Tuesday: 10 a.m., beginner computer; 11, intermediate computer; 1-2 p.m., learn to play the dulcimer; 1-4, open play dominoes and Canasta; Wednesday: 10 a.m., NIA exercise; 1:30-3:30, beginner acrylic art class; Thursday: 8:30 a.m., NIA exercise; 9:30, craft class with Louise Middleton; 9:30, beginner bridge; 10, beginner computer; 11, intermediate computer; 1 p.m., SuperValu/Sack & Save bingo.
WARRENTON CHURCH OF CHRIST Vacation Bible school, 7 p.m. Monday-Wednesday; 1150 Redbone Road; classes available for all ages; nursery provided; refreshments will be served; Steven Shappley is minister.
FAMILY LIFE CATHEDRAL Vacation Bible school, 6:30-8:30 nightly through Friday; 2832 Ken Karyl Ave.; classes for ages 2-adult.
GREATER OAK GROVE REVIVAL 6:30 nightly through Friday, 3802 Patricia St.; the Rev. Lorenzo Patton, pastor of Freewill Baptist Church in Jackson, will be guest speaker.
ST. PETER M.B. REVIVAL 7 nightly through Friday; Melvin L. Bolden will be evangelist.
CHINA GROVE REVIVAL 7:30 nightly through Friday, Oak Ridge Road; the Rev. E.E. Gibbs will be evangelist; the Rev. R.L. Miller is pastor.
PLEASANT VALLEY M.B. REVIVAL 7 nightly through Friday; 11680 Highway 3, Redwood; the Rev. Larry Owens of Milwaukee, Wis., will be evangelist.
MORNING STAR M.B. REVIVAL 7 nightly through Friday; the Rev. Joseph Brisco will be guest speaker.
TRAVELERS REST M.B. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 6:30-8:30 nightly through Friday; 1922 Pearl St.; classes are available for all ages; 636-3712.
MERCY SEAT BAPTIST REVIVAL 7 nightly through Saturday; the Rev. George Marshall of Aurora, Ill., will be guest speaker.