Published 12:00 am Monday, June 3, 2002
KIWANIS Noon Tuesday, Maxwell’s; Mike Calnan and Terry Booth, Vicksburg Theatre Guild, will speak; the Key Club scholarship winners from Vicksburg and Porters Chapel high schools will be recognized.
VICKSBURG ASSOCIATION OF MARKETING PROFESSIONALS Meeting, noon Tuesday, Eddie Monsour’s Restaurant; buffet lunch, $8; Johan C. Yssel, associate professor of journalism at the University of Southern Mississippi, will be the guest speaker.
VICKSBURG CRUISERS Leave from Bovina Texaco at 5:45 p.m. Tuesday for cruise to Xan’s Diner in Clinton; 636-2720.
WARREN CENTRAL HIGH CLASS OF 1977 25th reunion meeting; 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Shoney’s banquet room; Diane Irwin Bailey, 634-1068; or Mike Hudson, 638-3378; all classmates are urged to attend.
PARKINSON’S DISEASE SUPPORT GROUP 2 p.m. Thursday, River Region Medical Center West cafeteria; Dorothy Goodwin, 638-1877.
DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Memorial service for Ann Clark, 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Piccadilly; input needed for programs for 2003.
JOHN C. PEMBERTON CAMP Sons of Confederate Veterans meeting Thursday, Ryan’s Steakhouse; meal at 6 p.m., meeting at 7; Carrie Clark will speak on Mississippi Rifles.
Public programs
PUBLIC LIBRARY SCHEDULE 10:30 a.m., Tuesday: preschool and toddler story time including stories, crafts, fingerplays and more
RIVER CITY BPW 6 tonight, Piccadilly; installation of officers; Doris Hoxie, 638-3088.
BREAST CANCER SUPPORT GROUP 6-7 tonight, River Region Medical Center, conference room C; P.J. Campbell,. 619-3526.
SUPPORT GROUP FOR FAMILIES OF MENTALLY ILL 6 p.m. Tuesday, meeting room of the Warren-Yazoo Mental Health Administration building, Wisconsin Avenue.
DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP 6-7 p.m. Tuesday, River Region Medical Center West cafeteria; Dr. Edward Addo will speak.
INTERMEDIATE DRAWING 6-9 p.m. Tuesday-June 28, Southern Cultural Heritage Foundation; taught by Leah Johnson; cost is $40 for members and $45 for non-members; 631-2997.
OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS 6-7 p.m. Wednesday, Bowmar Baptist Church, U.S. 61 South; no diets, no dues, no weigh-ins; 638-0011.
SPRING HILL M.B. REVIVAL 7 nightly through Friday, 815 Mission 66.
HAWKINS UNITED METHODIST Registration deadline for vacation Bible school is today; VBS will be June 10-12 and will include music and a songwriting workshop with national recording artist, Johnny Barranco, of Kids Music Central in Nashville, Tenn.; 636-2242.
WAYSIDE BAPTIST VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 8:30-11:30 daily through Friday, 6151 Jeff Davis Road; ages 3-years through 6th-grade; Larry W. Haggard is pastor; for transportation or information, call 636-3271.
TRAVIS CHAPEL A.M.E. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 6 nightly Wednesday, 745 Hutson St.; classes for all ages; Tonia Erves is director; the Rev. Horace L. McKay is pastor.
GRACE BAPTIST VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 6-8:30 nightly through Friday; ages 4-years through 6th-grade; 1729 Hankinson Road; no preregistration.
MOUNT CALVARY M.B. REVIVAL 6:30 nightly through Friday, 1350 East Ave.; the Rev. Jerry Durr, pastor of Brookhaven Outreach church, will be the guest speaker; the Rev. Mincer Minor is pastor.
ST. PAUL M.B. REVIVAL 7 nightly through Friday, 437 Tiffentown Road; Tyrone Dixon is pastor.
FIRST SPRINGHILL M.B. REVIVAL 7 nightly through Friday; Michael Reed and M. Chisley will be the speakers.
MOUNT ZION M.B. REVIVAL 7 nightly through Friday, Eagle Lake community; the Rev. Booker T. Smith will be the evangelist; the Rev. Henry Mayfield is pastor.
MOUNT OLIVE VILLA NOVA M.B. REVIVAL 7 nightly through Friday, 210 Villa Nova Road; the Rev. Joseph Brisco will be evangelist; the Rev. Hardie Lewis is pastor.
ST. PAUL M.B. REVIVAL 7:15 nightly through Friday, Bovina; guest speakers are as follows: today John McNeal; Tuesday John Evans; Wednesday Larry Harris; Thursday Randy LeFleur; Friday Ava Harvey.
KING DAVID M.B. REVIVAL 7:30 nightly through Friday; the Rev. Moses Johnson, pastor of Good Hope M.B. Church in Florence, will be the evangelist; the Rev. Johnny L. Williams is pastor.
JACKSON STATE ALUMNI FUND-RAISER Baby contest for newborn through 5-years; registration form, $5 entrance fee and child’s picture are due Wednesday; contest will be 3 p.m. June 23, Grove Street Baptist Church; proceeds benefit the scholarship program; Davita Baloue, 926-1239; Debra Goodman, 636-3429; Ann Bargains, 636-3323; or Barbara Hubbard, 638-5092.