Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 5, 2002
NAACP Vicksburg branch, Community Action Service; 8:30 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. today; free rides to the polls; 529-0859 or 529-2044.
WARREN COUNTY GIRLS SCOUTS SERVICE UNIT Tonight, St. Michael Catholic Church; new leader appreciation potluck dinner, 6:30; meeting will follow at 7.
LIONS CLUB Noon Wednesday, Maxwell’s; speaker will be Debra Bowers, Vicksburg Warren School District supervisor.
DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 11 a.m. Thursday at Piccadilly; DAR home, Rosalie, will be the topic; bring gifts for veterans.
MISSISSIPPI NURSES ASSOCIATION District 12; lifestyle dinner at 6:30 p.m. Thursday at The Biscuit Company; 619-4201.
ARMY-NAVY CLUB 7 p.m. Thursday, 65th anniversary steak supper meeting; 638-5114.
AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS Mississippi Section, fall meeting; registration is at 7 a.m., opening session begins at 8:30 Friday at the Vicksburg Convention Center; keynote speakers are Sam Bryson and Dr. Robert Hall.
Public programs
LEARNING GARDEN PRESCHOOL Now expanding; curriculum includes Spanish, computer, phonics, math, science and Bible; space available in the 1-3-year-old room; located at Oakland Baptist Church, 2959 Oak Ridge Road; church office, 638-6724 or Jill Marr, 636-6759.
VICKSBURG SENIOR CENTER Wednesday: 9-11 a.m., walking at Jackson Street community center; 9- noon, king bridge; 10, NIA exercise and morning tour of Curves on Wisconsin Avenue; 1 p.m., dulcimer class and rook/canasta games; 1:30-3:30, acrylic art class; 2:30 open play dominoes.
SUPPORT GROUP FOR CAREGIVERS OF MENTALLY ILL 6 tonight, Warren-Yazoo Mental Health Complex; 636-1861.
DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP 6 until 7 tonight at River Region West in the cafeteria; guest speaker will be Dr. David Fagan, urologist; 619-3610.
vGEN. STEPHEN D. LEE CAMP Sons of Confederate Veterans; 6 tonight at Ryan’s; guest speaker will be Dr. Dan Edney; public is invited; 638-6500.
STOP SMOKING CLINIC 6:30 tonight at the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Lee and Indiana; 638-9978 to register.
FLORAL DESIGN CLASS 7 tonight, Vicksburg Country Club; Ralph Null, floral design artist and author, will recreate arrangements from his Christmas book; 638-6429.
VICKSBURG HIGH SCHOOL Meet the Gators, 7 tonight in the gym.
SALVATION ARMY Applications for Christmas Assistance Program will be taken from 9-11:30 a.m. and 1-3:30 today through Friday at 530 Mission 66.
PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP 2 until 3 p.m. Thursday at River Region West in the cafeteria.
JOHN C. PEMBERTON CAMP Sons of Confederate Veterans; 6:30 p.m. Thursday at the Masonic Lodge, Cain Ridge Road; Jeff Giambrone from the Old Courthouse Museum will present a slide show on the history of Vicksburg with pictures from Jay Mack Moore; public is invited.
SOUTHERN EXPOSURE SHOW OPENING 7 until 9 p.m. Friday at the Attic Gallery, 1101 Washington St.; varied arts and crafts of six southern women.
OAK RIDGE OPRY 7-10 p.m. Friday at the Oak Ridge Community Center; Magnolias and Moonshine will sing; hamburgers and drinks for sale; donations accepted.
VICKSBURG THEATRE GUILD “A Christmas Carol”; 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday at the Parkside Playhouse; call 636-0471 for reservations.
MEN’S CONFERENCE 8 a.m. Saturday at New Rock of Ages M.B. Church, 2944 Valley St.; guest speakers will be Johnny Martin and the Revs. David Brown Jr. and Keith Branch; public is invited; Dr. M.R. Reed is pastor.
PORTERS CHAPEL ACADEMY Eagle Fest, 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. Saturday at the school; fall carnival and craft show; public welcome.
TURKEY DINNER 11-1:30 and 5-7:30 Saturday at the Knights of Columbus Home, 308 Fisher Ferry Road; $6 per person, eat in or take out; sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree.
FALL FLOWER SHOW 1 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Sunday at Pemberton Mall; “Autumn Beauty,” presented by the Vicksburg Council of Garden Clubs; show is free and open to the public.
BECOMING WOMEN OF EXCELLENCE 2 p.m. Saturday at the Mafan Building, 1315 Adams St.; Azilee Jennings, pastor of Wayside Apostolic Church of Deliverance, is guest speaker; sponsored by Jubilee Revival Ministries.
TRAVELERS REST BAPTIST Fall revival, 7 tonight-Thursday; Casey Fisher, evangelist for tonight; Walter Weathersby, evangelist for Wednesday and Thursday; Thomas Bernard is pastor.
BERACHAH BAPTIST Teen Pioneers and Prodigal Son Outreach joint meeting, 6 p.m. Wednesday.
GROVE STREET M.B. Business meeting, 6 p.m. Wednesday at the church; all members urged to attend.
WARRENTON INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Garage sale; Saturday in the church parking lot; proceeds to benefit the Randy Graham Lung Transplant Fund.