Published 12:00 am Thursday, March 18, 2004
We welcome your items for the Community Calendar. Submit items by postal service (P.O. Box 821668, Vicksburg, MS 39182), e-mail (newsreleases@vicksburgpost.com), fax (634-0897), delivered in person to 1601-F N. Frontage Road, or by calling 636-4545 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays. If corresponding by fax, mail or e-mail, be sure to include your name and phone number. Items can be published a maximum of four times.
VHS Class of 1974 Planning meeting for 30th reunion; 6 tonight, Mount Carmel M.B. Church, 2729 Alma St.; Charles Atkins, 636-1390, or Shirley Humes Young, 352-4278.
Vicksburg Warren Alcorn Alumni Chapter 7 p.m. Friday, Elks Lodge, 916 Walnut St.
MXO Chapter of AKA Sorority Noon Saturday, Mount Heroden Church fellowship hall.
Ivyettes Girls Club of AKA 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Rolling Acres Community Center.
Willing Workers 3 p.m. Saturday, Pleasant Valley, 2585 N. Washington St.
Broadwater Lodge No. 55 6 p.m. Saturday, Masonic Lodge; casual attire; third degree will be given; Prince Hall Masons welcome.
Knights of Columbus Saltillo breakfast, 8-11 a.m. Sunday, KC Hall; $3 per person; maximum $12 per family; public welcome.
Retired Education Personnel of Vicksburg Warren County Legislative program, 11:30 a.m. Monday, auditorium of Hinds Community College campus, Mississippi 27 South; retired educators and future retirees invited.
TRIAD 2 p.m. Wednesday, City Hall Annex; speaker, Marvin Curtis, state director of the Mississippi Highway Patrol.
Society of American Military Engineers Noon March 25, Maxwell’s; speaker, Marc Michaelson, director of maintenance and engineering, Nissan Canton facility; topic, “Status of the Nissan Project and Hail Prevention Equipment;” RSVP, 631-7695.
WCHS Class of 1994 Registration packets for 10-year reunion ready; addresses needed; Pamela Stevenson, 661-8712.
Public programs
Senior Center Friday: 10 a.m., bean bag baseball; 1 p.m., dominoes and chicken foot games; 2:30, domino tournament.
Obesity Surgery Support Group 6 tonight, River Region Medical Center, Education Conference Room A; 883-6099.
Buck’s Country Playhouse Spaghetti supper with trimmings, 6 p.m. Friday, Chicken Coop; donations accepted; music by the Wild Bunch at 7; 638-3193.
Child Safety Day 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, Vicksburg Factory Outlets; DNA testing with the DNA LifePrint Program endorsed by John Walsh while supplies last; free; child safety seminars; police and fire safety goodies and information and Red Cross child safety information; co-sponsored by River Region Health System.
Women’s Health Awareness Clas s 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Saturday, Shoney’s; information on how cosmetics and household products contribute to the ill health of women; Sherry Pratt, 529-4829; Susan Gussio, 331-0167.
Levi’s “A Gathering Place,” 7-10 p.m. Saturday, Shelter Drive; music by Omar Rivers.
Ballroom Dance Class 5-7 p.m. Sunday, Southern Cultural Heritage Foundation; taught by James Frechette; $20 per person; individuals and couples welcome; 631-2997 for reservations.
Conversational ESL Classes 5 p.m. Sunday and 6 p.m. Tuesday, Hawkins United Methodist Church; 636-2242.
Alcorn State University Gospel Choir Concert, 5 p.m. Sunday, Triumph M.B. Church, 124 Pittman.
Narcotics Anonymous 8 p.m. Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, Good Shepherd Community Center, 629 Cherry St.; daytime, Alvin J., 661-7646; evening, Jackie G., 638-8456 or 415-3345.
Lenten Fine Arts Series Noon Friday, Church of the Holy Trinity; music by the Old Hat String Band; gumbo lunch in the McInnis Parish House at 12:35 for $7.
Wayside Baptist Spaghetti supper, 4-7 p.m. Saturday; tickets are $5 and may be purchased by calling 636-3271; dine in or carry out; sponsored by the youth group.
Faith Christian Center Diane Palmer will speak at 7 p.m. Friday, 1100 Main St.; 638-1600.
Living Water Christian Fellowship Garage and bake sale, 7 a.m.-noon Saturday, 2075 Culkin Road; 630-0098 or 631-0030.
Gospel Temple Garage and produce sale, 8 a.m. Saturday, 1612 Lane St.; sponsored by the Sunday school department; superintendent, E. Warren; pastor, W. Edley.
Gibson Memorial United Methodist UMM barbecue dinner, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, 335 Bowie Road; 1/4 chicken, coleslaw, baked beans, bread, sheet cake and tea or coffee; dine in or take out; tickets, $5; 636-2605.
Travelers Rest Baptist Flying High youth outreach; 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, Vicksburg Junior High School football stadium; topics: teen violence, childhood obesity, abstinence, drugs and SIDS; free; pastor, Thomas Bernard; Alcorn State University Gospel Choir in concert, 6 p.m. Saturday.
Pleasant Valley Musician appreciation, 6 p.m. Saturday, 2585 N. Washington St.; featuring, Precious Melodies of Faith, Geneva Jones Douglas, Victor Gilliam and Jimmy Cotten; musician, Kevin Powell.
Shiloh M.B. Baptismal service, 6 p.m. Saturday, 920 Green St.; pastor, Dr. Willie J. Jones.
Progressive Dinner Fund-Raiser 6 p.m. Friday; appetizers and silent auction, First Presbyterian Church; main course and entertainment, Church of the Holy Trinity; desserts, Crawford Street United Methodist Church; tickets available at church offices and at the door for $25; proceeds to benefit Grace Christian Counseling Center.