Published 12:00 am Monday, November 8, 2004
We welcome your items for the Community Calendar. Submit items by postal service (P.O. Box 821668, Vicksburg, MS 39182), e-mail (newsreleases@vicksburgpost.com), fax (634-0897), delivered in person to 1601-F N. Frontage Road, or by calling 636-4545 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays. If corresponding by fax, mail or e-mail, be sure to include your name and phone number. Items can be published a maximum of four times.
Vicksburg Cruisers Car Club 6 tonight, Cracker Barrel; 636-2720.
NAACP 6 tonight, 902 China St.; final nominations for officers and election of the Elections Supervisory Committee.
Tougaloo Alumni Association 6:30 tonight, Unique Impressions, 2420 Washington St.
Vicksburg Genealogical Society 6:30 tonight, Shoney’s; Carol West, attorney, will speak on “Evolution of Legal Rights for Women.”
American Legion Auxiliary 7 tonight, 1618 Main St.
Alpha Chapter, PAK Sorority 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Shoney’s; program by Lynn Johnson of Serenity Florist.
Kiwanis Noon Tuesday, Maxwell’s; David Haworth will speak on Operation Christmas Child.
Vicksburg Art Association 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Old Constitution Firehouse; Rio Trio will discuss techniques of design visualization; public invited.
Sundown Toastmasters No. 4834 11 a.m. Wednesday, Corps of Engineers Vicksburg District, 4155 Clay St.
PRAM Business meeting, 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Monsour’s Restaurant, Vicksburg Country Club; officer elections will be held; Bill Mullen, 634-2061.
Lions Club Noon Wednesday, Maxwell’s; speaker, Chief Keith Rogers of the Vicksburg Fire Department.
Civitan Club Noon Wednesday, Shoney’s; speaker, Julie Alberts with the Vicksburg Convention Center.
Vicksburg-Warren County Historical Society Dinner meeting, 7 p.m. Thursday, Maxwell’s; officer elections; speaker, Monika Mayr, superintendent of Vicksburg National Military Park; for reservations, Old Court House Museum, 636-0741.
Public programs
Senior Center Tuesday: 9:30 a.m., advanced bridge and advanced exercise; 1 p.m., games and dominoes; 2, dulcimer class.
Public Library 10:30 a.m. Tuesday and Wednesday; preschool and toddler story time and craft; the library will be closed Thursday.
Local Family Support Group for Autistic Children 7 p.m. Tuesday, Warren Central Junior High School; Gena Evans and Penny Register, teachers of Autism classes at Beechwood Elementary; Regina Jeffers, 638-4642; Patti Robinson, 636-8270.
“Finding the Funds: A Parent’s Guide to Paying for College” 7 p.m. Tuesday, Career Center at Vicksburg High School; Felicia Jacobson, 636-2914.
Teen Aerobics Classes Tuesday: 5-5:45 p.m. for ages 10-13 and 5:45-6:30 p.m. for ages 14-16; Pee Wee Workout/Fit Zone, 1109 Mission Park Dr.; instructor, Shannon Potts; 636-1878.
Serenity Al-Anon 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Marian Hill, administrative area; fellowship of family and friends of alcoholics and addicts; 631-2770 or 631-2705.
“The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” 7:30 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Nov. 19-20; 2 p.m. Nov. 14 and 21; Parkside Playhouse, 101 Iowa Ave.; 636-0471 or www.e-vtg.com for information; presented by the Vicksburg Theatre Guild.
YMCA Thanksgiving Camp Registration open for kindergarten-6th grade; camp open from 7 a.m. until 6 p.m. Nov. 22-26; Brian Gough, 638-1071.
Account Open Donations for First Assembly of Yahweh may be made at any BancorpSouth branch.