Idiot to idiot
Published 1:00 am Sunday, May 6, 2012
The Our Opinion CodeRed column in last Sunday’s paper states, “County ‘idiots’ deserve warning system;” a county supervisor states, “Any idiot can turn a TV on.”
Then I got to wondering could any three or four county supervisors together turn on a TV or even screw in a light bulb without the help of two or three more idiots?
Lo-and-behold, under the Our Opinion CodeRed column, another write-up, “Rec plan doomed from the start.” The city officials, the way I read it, want to buy four or five different parcels of land. One is in the swamp and the others don’t know where. Now they have four or five different ways they want to pay for the sports complex.
Every time I read in the Vicksburg paper, the things some of the county supervisors, city officials, judges, school board members, school officials and about any elected official in Vicksburg and the county say, it makes me wonder is this the best we have in Vicksburg and Warren County?
Well, I’m wondering again. The supervisor must be correct about all us idiots because we keep voting the same idiots back into office election after election.
Makes you wonder am I overplaying all this or are Vicksburg and Warren County a little out of control?
Johnny Griffin