County wants to use fire station for south voting precinct
Published 11:39 am Wednesday, June 1, 2011
A letter to Vicksburg officials from Warren County supervisors requesting the fire station at Vicksburg Municipal Airport to replace the Carpenters Union Hall as a voting precinct should come up for a vote next Monday.
Union officials said this week a reorganization of its administrative staff means only occasional use of the building at 4589 U.S. 61 South, District 4 Supervisor Bill Lauderdale said.
If approved, it would become the third precinct site shift in as many years.
In all, eight of Warren County’s 22 precincts have moved from their original locations.
In 2008, the Oak Ridge precinct moved to Bradley Chapel United Methodist Church from its previous home at Oak Ridge Grocery. In February, the St. Aloysius precinct was moved to Spring Hill M.B. Church on Mission 66, with space problems cited as the main reason.
There are about 2,000 voters on the rolls at the union hall, which has retained the Jett name on the U.S. Department of Justice list of precincts. Jett School merged with fellow Warren County schools Redwood and Culkin in 1965 to create Warren Central High School.
Supervisors expect to notify DOJ of the pending change.
The federal Cabinet department usually interviews members of the community and the county board when precinct locations are changed, as part of federal voting rights law.
Dedicated in April, the $1.2 million fire station was financed with money the city received from a Katrina-related disaster recovery grant.