Vicksburg Warren School District trustees agenda items
Published 12:00 am Friday, July 31, 2009
Meeting Thursday, Vicksburg Warren School District trustees:
• Approved the minutes of the special board meeting June 24 and the regular board meeting June 25.
• Accepted donations of $125 from Shirley Porter, Dr. Kimberly Winters and Kathryn Nelson for the Vicksburg High School girls’ basketball team and $300 from International Paper Company for the Warren Central High School baseball team.
• Heard a June 30 financial update from Dale McClung, finance director.
• Approved amendments to the 2008-09 budget.
• Approved the July accounts payable.
• Adopted the 2009-2010 budget resolution requesting the Warren County Board of Supervisors to provide ad valorem collections totalling $25,193,176 to fund the regular programs for the 2009-2010 school year.
• Approved various personnel matters including extra-duty compensation for June 2009; revision to salary schedules; certified change in status recommendations; certified personnel resignations; pay-day schedule for fiscal year 2009-2010; certified retiree recommendations; subsitute teacher recommendations; classified personnel recommendations; and certified personnel recommendations.
• Approved out-of-state travel for WCHS Principal Rodney Smith to attend the National Association of Secondary School Principals Conference in Phoenix in March 2010.
• Approved various 16th Section land matters including a forest management memorandum of understanding; termination of a hunting and fishing lease; authorization to bid for oil, gas and mineral lease; an authorization for services; transfer of 2008 checking interest earned; an amendment to a lease; and fencing around a previously-approved Mid-Continent Express pipeline easement.
• Approved applying to the Mississippi Department of Education for three special education applications for funding (regular federal funds and special American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding).
• Approved an authorization to bid for rental of drivers education vehicles.
• Approved the transfer of 2008-2009 checking account interest to the district funds bank account.
• Approved a contract for 2008-2009 audit to David Bridgers Jr. of Bridgers and Company PC for $14,500.
• Gave authorization to proceed with issuance of interest-free bond funds totalling $3 million for school construction at Warrenton Elementary and Vicksburg Junior High schools.
• Accepted a Safe Schools/Healthy Students Initiative grant.