Health care reforms should be simple, straightforward
Published 12:00 am Sunday, September 20, 2009
Thomas Jefferson said, “I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”
Health care reform is similar to writing of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. The colonial “think tank” certainly argued — and maybe thought talking to another was like talking to a piece of furniture (Rep. Barney Frank) — but the end product has stood the test of time with minimal amendments. If this country is up in arms about the health care debate, maybe we question who’s leading the reform. Check your congressman’s resume for health care experience.
Mississippi demonstrated to the world its ability to recover from Katrina. I’m thinking we could fix Mississippi’s health care also. I’m thinking some of the other states may feel the same way.
Congress needs to give up 1,000-page-plus documents for smaller ones. I suggest Congress should consider each bill with a line item review. Each line item gets a thumb up or thumb down. This would reduce or eliminate “filler” legislation that serves special interest groups, while producing immediate Congressional transparency and accountability.
When my child needed immediate surgery, I didn’t call my congressman. When we arrived at the ER, I spoke with a health care professional. Have we forgotten what’s good about health care?
Health care is not free – neither is health care reform. Eventually, robbing Peter to pay Paul catches up with you.
Patricia Stuart
Speak to issue, not race
It is regrettable that Terence Judge and Thelma Dukes in their recent guest column and letter cannot have a meaningful discussion about the current struggle for the heart and soul of America without resorting to race baiting. My wife and I had the great pleasure of attending the national rally in D.C. last Saturday as a means of protest against this administration and its socialist policies. I listened to black speaker after black speaker exhort the thousands who were gathered not to let the issue of race divide us. Their message was enthusiastically received.
Some wise person has stated that “the last refuge of a scoundrel is patriotism.” I believe the last refuge of a racist is playing the race card.
Robert Peters
Race used as diversion
As a Vicksburg Tea Party member, I can’t tell you how much I am sick of hearing the race cards on both sides of the fence. The issues that we are standing for are not issues of race, but on the many issues that are dramatically changing our government infrastructure. With our technology the way it is today it is easy to be bombarded with misinformation.
Unfortunately, we are unable to take any media seriously at face value. Instead of journalism being based on facts we are being fed bias editorials stated as fact. It is our duty as voters to learn what the truth is. Glenn Beck also tells people to do their own homework and not listen to what he is saying at face value. There is corruption in Washington within both parties and all races. The Tea Parties are about protecting the freedom that we feel that is quickly being evaporated from our society. We welcome all regardless of race or party affiliations. We call ourselves American!
Katie Wright
Victims got no justice
The article in The Vicksburg Post on Sept. 11 concerning the woman who stole more than $227,000 from MIDD-West Industries made me wonder what happened to the phrase “crime doesn’t pay.” It wasn’t clear how much time the woman would spend in the Flowood Restitution Center, but with suspended sentence, house arrest, probation and $27,000 to pay back, in her case, crime did pay.
In years past working with the United Way I saw firsthand the work carried out by MIDD-West Industries. Individuals contributing to the annual United Way campaign along with county, state and federal sources made a difference in the life of mentally challenged people. To steal funds that could be used to better these many individuals’ lives is a serious crime that should be treated seriously.
It is a challenge for the United Way workers to motivate individuals to give a “fair share pledge” to the yearly fundraising campaign now under way. With this slap on the wrist punishment to a woman who admitted to stealing more than $227,000 of their past contributions, the circuit court has given them another excuse not to make a “fair share pledge.”
Where is the justice for all the individuals contributing to United Way? Where is justice for the tax dollars and other funds supporting MIDD-West Industries? To have to pay back $27,000, — 7 percent of what was stolen — is not justice for those many individuals.
Eugene Payne
Ax IRS, enact sales tax
If the ultra-liberal present administration would take heed to the feeling of most of us taxpayers, the Internal Revenue Service would be abolished and a new federal tax commission would be created.
The IRS has been a Democratic ploy as well as an albatross around our necks and has cost this country billions to support its more than 20,000 employees.
The commission would need no more than 500 employees to police the collection of a federal 10 percent sales tax.
Why 10 percent? Well, if a 10 percent tithe is good enough for the Lord’s work, then 10 percent should be enough for Uncle Sam to waste.
When we are shopping for cars, clothing, appliances and TVs, we’d be more careful with our hard-earned dollars, knowing a 10 percent federal tax was going to be added to the price.
What it boils down to is this: One operation, the IRS, is in existence to penalize you for making money versus another, the tax commission, that would charge you 10 percent for spending your own money and force you into being smarter about how you do.
I am well aware that this would be counter to the socialistic beliefs of Pelosi, Reid and Obama, but it would help all of us taxpayers nonetheless.
George M. Mitchell
Misdeeds not the story
I am so tired of reading articles on Steve McNair. He was not a native of Vicksburg. His wife is. Regardless of the situation, someone took his life away from him, whether he was doing something good or bad.
People should take into consideration that his family has to read and listen to all the gossip and harsh comments that are made. You should talk about the good things that this man has contributed to our society and how he will sadly be missed by his family and friends.
He is not the first man to cheat on his wife and definitely will not be the last. Please let him rest in peace.
Angela Stamps
Burial area a disgrace
Whose responsibility is it to maintain the cemetery on the South Frontage Road in front of El Sombrero Mexican Restaurant? The conditions of the grounds are deplorable and a disgrace to the families who have loved ones resting there.
Chris Ingraham