Prayer is the answer
Published 12:00 am Sunday, January 17, 2010
In attendance at the Mississippi College School of Law luncheon on Jan. 4 in Jackson, I spoke with Justice Antonin Scalia. I said, “Judge Scalia, I am grateful for your feelings on the subject, but what can be done about a court that denies schools the blessing and protection of the Lord, ignoring the Lord’s warning, ‘Without me, you can do nothing’?” Judge Scalia replied, “Do the best we can, I guess.” I said, “We will pray.” And Judge Scalia said, “Yes, pray.”
As we know on the world scale, U.S. education has gone from near the top to near the bottom. Schools are no longer safe havens and students hardly know right from wrong. Let’s follow our own hearts and Judge Scalia’s and pray until the answer comes.
Meta Hogue