Published 11:23 am Friday, May 16, 2014
70 Years Ago: 1944
Mrs. Charles Thompson returns from a visit in Florida. • Pfc. Kenneth Wayne Meacham is here after over two years in the Pacific with the U.S. Marines.
60 Years Ago: 1954
Su Ying Go is awarded an $1,800 scholarship to Tulane University in New Orleans. • Lawrence Hennessey Jr. leaves for his sophomore year at Notre Dame.
50 Years Ago: 1964
Mrs. Wilsey Kelly is elected president of the St. Aloysius Mother’s Club.
40 Years Ago: 1974
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie A. Randall Jr. are the parents of a son, William Mansell. • Nick Cassino speaks to the Magnolia Garden Club.
30 Years Ago: 1984
Errick LeShun Funches is 6 today.
20 Years Ago: 1994
Vicksburg’s four-way traffic signals, considered by many to be a piece of history, are disappearing in favor of more modern designs.
10 Years Ago: 2004
Enrollment at the Vicksburg Warren School District and at All Saints’ Episcopal School are up, while other private and parochial schools dropped slightly.