Looks like duck season is already here
Published 11:13 pm Friday, July 31, 2015
It has been all over the news. Tom Brady destroyed his cell phone after National Football League investigators had asked him to handover the data on the phone. The hunka hunka burning love New England Patriots quarterback cannot seem to escape the grasp of this scandal.
Sports commentator Bob Costas said on the Today Show Tuesday morning, “If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck,” inferring that if you are tossing out evidence, it sure looks like you might be trying to cover-up something.
Can this it get any worse?
The magnitude of a possible cover up in the world of sports is just unimaginable.
How dare someone mess with those little piggys! But thank goodness, we have the NFL and Commissioner Roger Goodell making sure that everything is kept on the up and up.
There is no telling what would happen if these teams and their players were not scrutinized to the highest level with Goddell and his crew. We might have total mayhem going on! And thank goodness there are thousands of football fans that are staying tuned into such news breaking worthy information.
So, many of you, mostly my girl friends, are probably wondering why in the dickens I give a toot about Brady and his balls! Well, I don’t.
What has sent me in a tizzy is the fact that Brady is actually going to get in trouble over getting rid of his cell phone over some lightweight footballs, and Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is seeming to get a pass on her emails that were sent and received on her personal server while she was Secretary of State.
Is it just me, or is there something wrong with the way things are working around here?
A man is afraid he might get caught for telling someone not to air up footballs to regulation pressure, gets suspended from four games, and now, because he trashed what is thought to be evidence in the matter, will have to go to court while Clinton walks around scot-free assuring us that there was nothing on her emails.
Please, where is the Bob Costas of the political world. It “walks like a duck and quacks like a duck!”
Mrs. Clinton had access to the State Department servers, probably the most secure in the world, but she needs to get her own server for security. And now she promises us there are no emails that she has that have information about the Benghazi attack.
Waddle waddle, quack quack!
Why is the American public not up in arms like any red-blooded football fan would be over a cover-up?
Are we becoming apathetic in holding those that are running the country and, in a way, our lives unaccountable?
In just over a year, we will have the right to vote on whom we see fit to be the leader of our country. There are a lot of players asking for our vote, and we all need to pay attention, wear a commissioner’s hat and make sure we don’t get inflated with a bunch of hot air.