’Tis the season to hunt for presents
Published 12:00 am Saturday, November 28, 2015
My husband hates to shop, so much so he has been known to pick a fight with me just so I will tell him to go on home. He will deny this to the hilt, but sometimes there are just things a wife knows about her man. Eventually, I finally relegated myself to shopping alone, especially during the holiday season since his complaining and lackluster attitude makes the shopping experience for me miserable.
That man of mine just cannot understand that I like to browse in all of the stores in the quest for what I deem to be the perfect gift. His idea of shopping is park the car, walk in, get whatever is written on the list, pay for it and go.
Now honey, there is no fun in doing that.
What if while you are looking for that item on your list you see something that might make a better choice for a present? What if you find a gift for Grandma while looking for Aunt Betty’s gift? The prospects of seeking the perfect Christmas gift is endless when you are willing to be patient in the search, but one has to be willing to accept this concept. My spouse Is not, especially when it gets in the way of him hunting, one of the things he enjoys doing around the holiday season.
A few years ago, it occurred to me that, ironically, my way of shopping had many similar characteristics to his hunting exploits.
Now ladies, how many of you have seen your spouse just get in his truck, drive up to the hunting camp, walk to the field, take aim and be done?
I am going to guess NEVER!
These men who have an aversion to the time it takes to shop for Christmas gifts for the family seem to have no problem with the hours and hours and months and months it takes to prepare their hunting grounds so they can have a productive season. Moreover, I have yet to ever once hear my man complain about all the time he spends walking around the woods scoping out ideal places to spot wild game.
It sure sounds a lot like my shopping trips, hunting around hours and hours trying to track down a worthy gift and being able to brag if I bag a bargain.
Oh and what about the disapproving looks I have gotten after making what he deems an unnecessary purchase.
Doesn’t stocking the freezer with deer meat, darling, cost a lot more money than buying a pound of burger at the grocery where there are no hunting club dues, no camouflage gear and no bullets and guns required to feed the family.
Well, the holidays are here, and guess who is in the woods? In these 20 plus years of marriage, some things are just never going to change, and it is OK.
I have grown to appreciate the tranquility in shopping alone, and now on some level I even understand the serenity hunting offers my husband.
But can’t he at least help with the wrapping!