Vicksburg, Warren County celebrate Labor Day without major incident
Published 9:17 am Thursday, September 8, 2016
Vicksburg and Warren County spent a relatively quiet Labor Day, according to information from the Warren County Sheriff’s Department and Vicksburg Police.
Both departments had extra officers patrolling the streets and roads, paying special attention for impaired drivers.
“We had a very safe weekend,” said Sheriff Martin Pace. “We had no major traffic problems and no fatalities. Everyone had a good weekend.”
In town, Vicksburg police issued 265 traffic citations and made 57 arrests during the period, according to statistics from the department.
Of the traffic tickets issued, 54 were for seatbelt violations and two were for DUI. Officers also worked 21 wrecks with one injury. None of the wrecks were DUI-related, deputy chief Bobby Stewart said. Officers also issued four tickets for child restraint violations and gave 56 warnings. One felony arrest occurred during a traffic stop for a seatbelt violation when officers discovered during a records check the driver of the car had an outstanding warrant.
“We had a very calm Labor Day,” Police Chief Walter Armstrong said. “We had a big football game Friday night that went on without problems, and we had extra officers out over the long weekend. It cost us money in overtime, but it was necessary to do it for the holiday.”