Relay for Life unites us all in battle against equal opportunity disease
Published 10:28 pm Saturday, April 22, 2017
It is just about nearly impossible to get a group of a few hundred people to agree on anything.
In SEC country, you surely cannot get anyone to agree on the best football team. You cannot get them to agree who has the best tradition, best tailgating or game-day experience.
Even in church, some of the congregation who will not agree the preacher’s message Sunday was his best, while others will think it changed their lives.
But, when it comes to any Relay for Life event, there is a very good chance, everyone who attends is there for the same reason and has the same feeling when it comes to cancer.
It stinks.
Friday night, again hosted at Vicksburg High School’s football stadium, survivors, caregivers, friends and family came together to relay. For those who take part, Relay for Life is not just a date on the calendar.
For them, it is an event.
Over the past few months, teams have worked to raise money to battle cancer and raise awareness of the impact cancer has had on their lives and the lives of their loved ones.
For those who attend, Relay for Life is not just a one-day activity, instead, it is a way of life. Those who have battled cancer and won, or those who have lost loved ones to cancer will agree there is no bigger health opponent in our lives today than cancer.
Cancer is an equal opportunity offender. It attacks without any concern for race or creed, credit rating or income level, choice of religion or those who claim no religion.
Cancer also knows no age, as evidenced by those participating in Friday’s Warren County Relay for Life.
On the one end, you had Randy McClure and his family. Randy, among the oldest cancer patients in attendance, is battling cancer, with tumors in his brain and lungs.
His fight is a daily battle.
On the other end, you had 4-year-old Mario Gray Jr., who was born with retinoblastoma, a rare cancer that affects the eyes. The disease has already claimed his left eye.
His mother said Gray is doing well, today, and continues the fight with the help of doctors at St. Jude’s in Memphis.
Those are just two of the fights that were highlighted Friday evening.
The money raised by the Relay for Life, and other American Cancer Society events, goes to help find a cure for cancer.
And while we cannot seem to agree on much these days, defeating cancer is something we can all agree on and help with.