Water flows ahead of deadline
Published 10:35 am Thursday, July 27, 2017
Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
Such was certainly the case in getting the splash pad up and running at Catfish Row Art Park.
The splash pad had been closed since June 30, meaning Vicksburg area children were deprived of that refreshing place for a full month of their summer break.
No one wanted it operating more than Vicksburg city officials. All were getting an earful everywhere they went about the splash pad not operating on some of the hottest days of the month.
“I couldn’t get in Kroger Sunday morning without being criticized,” said Vicksburg Mayor George Flaggs Jr.
South Ward Alderman Alex Monsour said finding parts needed to make the splash pad operable was an issue. Finally, the remaining needed part was located in Wisconsin and shipped to Vicksburg.
Flaggs gave city workers a deadline of 5 p.m. Tuesday to have the splash pad up and running or he said he would bring in outside help to get the job done.
“Flaggs did call. He gave me a deadline,” Monsour said. “As you can see, we made the deadline. It is nothing like putting a deadline on something.”
The fact the splash pad is 15 years old made finding compatible parts more difficult. Flaggs attributed part of the issue with the splash part to poor maintenance over the years. He said he would bring in an outside contractor to handle service from now on to make sure the splash pad remains in working order.
Monsour said he’s finding maintenance in a number of areas is an issue in the city.
“Our maintenance has to be better on everything we’ve got,” he said. “Whether it is grass, whether it is the splash pad — we have to maintain things. We have to be proactive and not reactive and that is where we are going to be from now on.”
Three cheers for Flaggs, Monsour and North Ward Alderman Mike Mayfield. We agree city property needs better maintenance, and we cheer you on in that effort.