City reports three roads closed; ice on county roads
Published 8:31 am Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Icy conditions have forced Vicksburg officials to close sections of three streets in city, the city’s street department supervisor said Wednesday.
Street superintendent Carl Harris said First East Street from Cherry Street to Farmer Street, Speed Street between Drummond and Washington streets and Mulvihill Drive between Confederate Avenue and Drummond have all been closed because icing conditions.
First East, he said, is a brick street and the ice makes it difficult for cars to get traction.
He said street department crews were also working at the riverfront to help passengers on a docked cruise ship get to Levee Street.
North Ward Alderman Michael Mayfield said other streets in the city have patches of ice, especially in hilly areas.
“It’s 11 degrees, and the ice won’t melt anytime soon. Hopefully with the sun coming out, it may help melt some of it.”
“Our main streets, Clay, Mission 66 and others are open, and the frontage roads are open,” he said. “But people will have to use caution if they drive. There are no wet spots; it’s black ice.”
Warren County Sheriff Martin Pace said no county roads are closed, but have patches of ice in different areas, and Interstate 20 in Warren County is open.
“The county road crews were out all night and have been slagging mainly bridges,” he said. “There’s just such a volume of ice on the roads, it’s hard for them to cover everything, we have 500 miles of roads in the county, so they weren’t able to get all of them. If people have to be out, they need to exercise caution.”