Counterfeit bills found with Chinese writing
Published 8:31 pm Thursday, October 11, 2018
A patron at WaterView Casino, 3990Washington St., who was given a $50 bill Tuesday by another person turned it into casino security after noticing the money had Chinese writing on it, Vicksburg police Lt. Johnnie Edwards said.
He said the customer told security the money was handed to him as he was entering the casino. The other person was not found. Another counterfeit bill with Chinese writing was passed at the McDonald’s on Iowa Boulevard Monday.
In other cases:
• Shots were reported fired Tuesday about 10:35 p.m. at Grove and Hayes streets.
• Shots were reported fired Tuesday about 12:36 p.m. at Harris and Marshall streets.
Vicksburg police made the following arrests Tuesday:
• Madison An Boswell, 21, 1178 Wells Road, was arrested about 1:06 a.m. at Interstate 20 and Washington Street on charges of first-offense DUI, having an open container of alcohol and reckless driving.
• Chantay Lavora Lawrence, 39, 3011 Green St., was arrested about 10:11 a.m. at Drummond and Arthur streets on a charge of contempt of court.
• Kenneth Earl Dee, 38, 1000 Harris St., was arrested about 10:55 a.m. at Indiana Avenue and South Frontage Road on charges of speeding, no insurance and driving with a suspended license.
• Warrants were served on Dominique Yasmen Washington, 27, 3011 Green St.
• Warrants were served on Nathaniel Harris Jr., 605 Jodie Thurman Road, Belzoni, during a traffic stop at U.S. 61 South and Old Cain Ridge Road.
• Warrants were served on Karie Ann Clavary-Thomassonm 230 Clark Road.
• Lance Edward/Printess Maniel, 37, 310 Wisconsin Ave., was arrested about 2:45 p.m. at Mississippi 27 and East Clay St. on three counts of contempt of court. He was also served with warrants.
• Eugene Lewis Hall, 39, 1060 Cooper Road, Jackson, was arrested about 9:11 p.m. in the 300 block of Monroe Street on a charge of contempt of court. He was also served with warrants.
• Warrants were served on Nadia Ruth Galtney Richardson, 34, 106 Irene St.