Red birds may be tiny messengers
Published 7:00 pm Thursday, May 30, 2019
I have never been known to be a bird watcher, except when it is comes to red birds.
These little creatures hold a special place in my heart.
Years ago, my maternal grandmother pointed one out to me and, said, “Look, there is Papa (my grandfather) sending us a message from heaven that everything is going to be OK.”
Since then every time I see a red bird I know all will be well.
Shortly after my Uncle Bill died, his wife and children spotted red birds in several locations. We all knew these little messengers were letting the family know he was in good hands.
After doing a little research, I learned that our family is not the only one that has revered red birds.
In fact, red birds or cardinals have been thought to be spiritual messengers for a long period of time in several cultures and societies.
And in addition to being a go between from heaven and earth, other traditions and myths that exist when one sees a red bird, include good health and happy relationships.
While there are plenty of birds to admire, red birds I have learned are different from any other species.
Unlike other birds that are polygamous, red birds are monogamous. They mate for life and live within a small area for the rest of their lives, which they protect fiercely.
And when their chicks are hatched, both parents are responsible for taking care of them to ensure their survival and security.
Too bad we humans don’t always follow suit.
For the past three weeks, I have seen several red birds in my back yard.
While I have spotted them every so often in the past, it has now almost become a daily occurrence that I see them.
Someone up above apparently knows I am in need of red bird sightings.
When I come downstairs in the morning, I see them in my yard, and I have even spotted a couple sitting in one of my Natchez crepe myrtles.
The tree branches hang right in front of an upstairs window of a room that I use when I work from home, which allows me to get a “birds-eye” view of the beauties.
This week, I got curious as to what a red bird sounds like, so I decided to see what I could find on Google.
I discovered cardinals have a distinct call, which is rather melodious.
In fact, they are known as songbirds.
Now, even when I can’t see the birds in my back yard, I still know they are there by their singing.
For those who are like me and view red birds as a spiritual sign, one website suggests asking these questions when one is spotted.
Who are you thinking about at the time you spot a red bird and had you asked for spiritual guidance before spotting the Cardinal?
And in support of my grandmother’s remarks, the website further stated, “When you see a cardinal, you should always remember that the spirits are protecting you.”
Also, the website advised, one should thank the winged creatures.
Terri Cowart Frazier is a staff writer for The Vicksburg Post. You may reach her at