Letters to the Editor

Letter: New sports complex has bad access

To the editor: This week we had the mayor break ground for the much advertised and long overdue ...

Letters to the Editor

Vicksburg blessed to have competent first responders

To the editor: On May 17, I was involved in an accident at the First Baptist Church Medical/Dental ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Friends of the Vicksburg Bridge thank Board of Supervisors

To the editor: The Friends of the Vicksburg Bridge would like to thank the Warren County Board of ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Thank you to all those who supported lake fest

To the editor: Eagle Lake Matters Association would like to thank all those who came to celebrate Lake ...

Letters to the Editor

Reader question robocalls

To the editor, Most of us have registered for both the Federal and State “No call list”. All ...

Letters to the Editor

Reader thankful for the help

To The  Editor, There are some really nice people in Vicksburg. Last Wednesday we went out to eat ...


Letter carriers thankful for support

To the editor: On May 12, the Letter Carriers, along with other employees of the Vicksburg Post Office, ...

Letters to the Editor

VCS paves a new way

To the editor, It was initially shocking to hear our best local school drop accreditation with the Department ...

Letters to the Editor

Reader disagrees with Jamie Stiehm’s column

Dear Editor: “Columnist” Jamie Stiehm’s ramblings of Sunday May 27 contained a glaring untruth (aka an outright lie) ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Despite threat of poor weather, events at the park a success

To the editor: On behalf of the board of directors of the Friends of Vicksburg National Military Park ...


CCLGA thankful for participation in golf tourney

To the Editor On May 9th the Clear Creek Ladies Golf Association hosted its annual Laverne Russell Memorial ...


Reader disagrees with views of columnist Jamie Stiehm

To the editor I just read the “Columnist” article in the Sunday Post. It reflects the leftist, anti-American ...


Reader wants to know why on a wide-range of questions

To the editor Why does not someone cut the dead pine trees at the Halls Ferry/I-20 intersection? Why ...

Letters to the Editor

Food Pantry thankful for donations

On behalf of the volunteers at the Storehouse Community Food Pantry and the citizens of Vicksburg and Warren ...

Letters to the Editor


In response to the public’s request to open the Old Highway 80 Bridge for pedestrians and cyclists, the ...

Letters to the Editor

Reader Appreciates the Postal Service and Mail Carriers

The recent collection of food by mail carriers in Vicksburg brought to mind how much I appreciate the ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Legalized ‘car-napping’ by the VPD

To the editor: On Tuesday, April 24, while I was on a full one-week assignment for work in ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Surratt compared to dan rather

To the editor: The irony is not lost!  John Surratt (Vicksburg Post – 26 April, 18), in yet ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Our children need to be protected

To the editor: This letter is written to aid the citizens of Vicksburg in the making of a ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter:Reader claims bias in staff column by Surratt

To the editor: I am disappointed with the first bullet point under Our Mission. You should just omit ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Reader disagrees with Surratt about President Trump

To the editor: I want to express my distaste for the bias evident in the content of the ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Opening the bridge would be good for Vicksburg

To the editor: Excellent idea Rob on the opening the rail bridge to the public! We have seen ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Public broadcasts are important for safety

To the editor: The tornado warning last night was a reminder about Mississippi Public Broadcasting’s role in public ...

Letters to the Editor

We need to wake up and solve our own problems

To the editor: Lot of talk about the progress of Vicksburg in forums but nobody has a solution. ...

Letters to the Editor

Thank you for the kind words

To the editor: Thank you Ms. Robbins for your kind words about the violin program at Beechwood Elementary ...

Letters to the Editor

Reader: Why aren’t kids protesting cell phone and driving deaths?

To the editor: Some things are hard to understand. First is about the school shooting in Florida that ...

Letters to the Editor

Retired couple: vote for school bond and Vicksburg’s future

To the editor: The Vicksburg Warren School District has made remarkable strides in the past several years under ...

Letters to the Editor

Board president: now is the time to stand up for our children

To the editor: When I first joined the board seven years ago, I heard many say that the ...

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